在同一個div內放置兩個圖(利用圖形處理軟體讓其大小相同),然後加入css code如下:
讓i1的position: absolute;並將i1的opacity設為1,hover時設為0,就會看到其下的i2。
- position:static; 這是預設值,照著瀏覽器預設的配置。
- position:relative; 相對應原來位置,需設定top、bottom、left、right。
例如以下元件及css code:
- position:fixed; 表示位置固定不變一樣需設定top、bottom、left、right。例如加上以下元件及css code。
- position:absolute;這是表示其位置相對應其父元件,有點像是fixed,只是對應的是父元件。例如以下之元件及css code。
- position: sticky;是相對於滑動軸位置。如下例;
Bridge Inspection Routing Problem
This paper presents a study on routing problems associated with bridge inspection tasks.
In the evaluatedproblems, a bridge inspection team must depart from the depot,
visit bridges, and eventually return tothe depot. Since a single inspection team may
require several days to perform this task, the inspectorsmust find lodging accommodations
during the inspection period. This problem becomes a special type ofvehicle routing
problem (VRP). Two types of scenarios are established for the bridge inspection problem.
In the first scenario, only one inspection team is evaluated, and in the second scenario,
more than oneinspection team and a specific inspection duration are assessed.
The goal of this study is to determineoptimal routes and to find accommodations that
minimize the total inspection cost, including the traveland lodging costs.
The problem is solved using an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. In addition,
alocal search method is proposed for improving the quality of the solutions.
Three benchmark datasets aregenerated to estimate the performance of the proposed method.
First, a combination of the ACO parametervalues that yielded overall good results is
determined, and subsequently the proposed method is appliedto the benchmarks.
The results indicate that the proposed process yield promising solutions within
areasonable time frame.
IntroductionThe collapse of the Silver Bridge over Ohio River in the UnitedSates in 1967
caused serious injuries and deaths, and induced theattention to the safety concerns of
old bridges. In recent years,developed countries have reached the stage of aging bridges
andhave begun allocating considerable amounts of funds to worksrelated to bridge inspection
and maintenance. For example, theUnited States has spent nearly 78 million dollars of
maintenancefunds and 131 million dollars of reserve funds for inspecting andreinforcing
the nation’s 570,000 bridges during 1992–2011. Thismeans an average of 5.2 million dollars
per year of maintenanceexpenses and 8.2 million dollars per year of reserve funds are spenton
bridge inspection and rehabilitation [1]. In the Netherlands, an average annual maintenance
cost is 37 million euros for concretebridges, 7 million euros for steel bridges, and 10
million eurosfor movable bridges [2]. The Australian Government reserved over$200 million
Australian dollars from the 2015–2016 budget forupgrading or replacing aged bridges
throughout New South Wales[3]. In Scotland, 350,000 pounds were allocated from the 2014
bud-get for undertaking annual bridge maintenance condition surveys[4], and more than 700,000
pounds were assigned for bridge struc-tural maintenance during 2015 [5].
- position
transition: 性質 時間 速度 delay
Hover here
- ease: 預設值,開始與結束慢,中間快。
- linear: 從頭到尾速度相同。
- ease-in: 開始慢。
- ease-out: 結束慢。
- ease-in-out: 開始與結束慢
- cubic-bezier(n,n,n,n): 自訂速度曲線函數。
此外,使用transition-delay: 1s;指令表示要等待一秒才開始進行。
- background-repeat: repeat-x;僅X向重複
- background-repeat: repeat-y;僅Y向重複
- background-repeat: no-repeat;沒有重複,僅剩下原圖,再加上以下一行控制圖形位置:
- background-position: left top;
- 原則上位置請使用top、bottom、left、right、center等關鍵字組合來決定位置,
例如:center、bottom right、left等。
- background-size:auto;預設值,原圖片大小
- background-size: width height;給寬高,例如200px 150px,
- background-size: % %;表示容器長寬的百分比,
- background-size: cover; 覆蓋容器,可能會拉伸或切除部分圖形。
- background-size: contain;調整圖形大小使能看到全圖。
- background-size: initial; 設定為原始性質。
- background-size: inherit; 性質繼承自父元件。
background-size: cover;
background-size: contain;
border-image: url('./images/borderimage1.png') 30 stretch;
請看以下css code及其顯示結果:
This paper presents a study on routing problems associated with bridge inspection tasks.
In the evaluatedproblems, a bridge inspection team must depart from the depot,
visit bridges, and eventually return tothe depot. Since a single inspection team may
require several days to perform this task, the inspectorsmust find lodging accommodations
during the inspection period. This problem becomes a special type ofvehicle routing
problem (VRP). Two types of scenarios are established for the bridge inspection problem.
In the first scenario, only one inspection team is evaluated, and in the second scenario,
more than oneinspection team and a specific inspection duration are assessed.
The goal of this study is to determineoptimal routes and to find accommodations that
minimize the total inspection cost, including the traveland lodging costs.
The problem is solved using an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. In addition,
alocal search method is proposed for improving the quality of the solutions.
Three benchmark datasets aregenerated to estimate the performance of the proposed method.
First, a combination of the ACO parametervalues that yielded overall good results is
determined, and subsequently the proposed method is appliedto the benchmarks.
The results indicate that the proposed process yield promising solutions within
areasonable time frame.
This paper presents a study on routing problems associated with bridge inspection tasks.
In the evaluatedproblems, a bridge inspection team must depart from the depot,
visit bridges, and eventually return tothe depot. Since a single inspection team may
require several days to perform this task, the inspectorsmust find lodging accommodations
during the inspection period. This problem becomes a special type ofvehicle routing
problem (VRP). Two types of scenarios are established for the bridge inspection problem.
In the first scenario, only one inspection team is evaluated, and in the second scenario,
more than oneinspection team and a specific inspection duration are assessed.
The goal of this study is to determineoptimal routes and to find accommodations that
minimize the total inspection cost, including the traveland lodging costs.
The problem is solved using an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. In addition,
alocal search method is proposed for improving the quality of the solutions.
Three benchmark datasets aregenerated to estimate the performance of the proposed method.
First, a combination of the ACO parametervalues that yielded overall good results is
determined, and subsequently the proposed method is appliedto the benchmarks.
The results indicate that the proposed process yield promising solutions within
areasonable time frame.
This paper presents a study on routing problems associated with bridge inspection tasks.
In the evaluatedproblems, a bridge inspection team must depart from the depot,
visit bridges, and eventually return tothe depot. Since a single inspection team may
require several days to perform this task, the inspectorsmust find lodging accommodations
during the inspection period. This problem becomes a special type ofvehicle routing
problem (VRP). Two types of scenarios are established for the bridge inspection problem.
In the first scenario, only one inspection team is evaluated, and in the second scenario,
more than oneinspection team and a specific inspection duration are assessed.
The goal of this study is to determineoptimal routes and to find accommodations that
minimize the total inspection cost, including the traveland lodging costs.
The problem is solved using an ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm. In addition,
alocal search method is proposed for improving the quality of the solutions.
Three benchmark datasets aregenerated to estimate the performance of the proposed method.
First, a combination of the ACO parametervalues that yielded overall good results is
determined, and subsequently the proposed method is appliedto the benchmarks.
The results indicate that the proposed process yield promising solutions within
areasonable time frame.