國立高雄第一科技大學 英語自學館藏主題書目(英文)
                             1.英語教學 | 2.英語學習技巧 | 3.單字詞彙 | 4.文法學習 | 5.發音 | 6.聽力 | 7.會話 | 8.閱讀 | 9.寫作 | 10.翻譯 | 11.語言考試 
                          12.語言應用 | 13.語言文學 | 14.文化學習 | 15.商業英語 | 16.新聞英語 | 17.觀光英語 | 18.工具書 | 19.學術論文 | 20.多媒體
10. 翻譯
項次 索書號 書名/ 作者 出版項
1 428 E56 1995 An encyclopaedia of translation Chinese-English, English-Chinese edited by Chan Sin-wai, David E. Pollard Hong Kong Chinese University Press c1995
2 428.020246 H243 1992 The key to technical translation / by Michael Hann. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia : J. Benjamins Publ., 1992.
3 428.0231 H579 Thinking German translation a course in translation method, German to English SWndor Hervey, Ian Higgins, Michael Loughridge London New York Routledge 1995
4 428.0241 H579 Thinking translation a course in translation method, French-English SWndor Hervey, Ian Higgins London New York Routledge 1992
5 428.0261 H579 Thinking Spanish translation a course in translation method, Spanish to English SWndor Hervey, Ian Higgins, Louise M. Haywood London New York Routledge 1995
6 428.02911 N721 1992 Siting translation : history, post-structuralism, and the colonial context / Tejaswini Niranjana. Berkeley : University of California Press, c1992.
7 428.0261 M965 2008 Style and ideology in translation : Latin American writing in English / Jeremy Munday. New York : Routledge, c2008.
8 428.02951 P385 2010 Thinking Chinese translation : a course in translation method : Chinese to English / Valerie Pellatt and Eric T. Liu. London ; New York : Routledge, 2010.
9 428.02951 Y37 2009 Introduction to Chinese-English translation / Zinan Ye and Lynette Xiaojing Shi. New York : Hippocrene Books, c2009.