國立高雄第一科技大學 英語自學館藏主題書目(英文)  
                             1.英語教學 | 2.英語學習技巧 | 3.單字詞彙 | 4.文法學習 | 5.發音 | 6.聽力 | 7.會話 | 8.閱讀 | 9.寫作 | 10.翻譯 | 11.語言考試 
                          12.語言應用 | 13.語言文學 | 14.文化學習 | 15.商業英語 | 16.新聞英語 | 17.觀光英語 | 18.工具書 | 19.學術論文 | 20.多媒體
    7. 會話  
項次 索書號 書名/ 作者 出版項
1 428.24 B471 2000 50/50 conversation patterns with culture notes : English for the exchange of ideas / Andrew E. Bennett. Taipei : The Crane Publishing, c2000
2 428.24 L483 1975 A communicative grammar of English Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik London Longman 1975
3 428.24 L483 1994 A communicative grammar of English Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik London New York Longman 1994
4 428.34 C331 1998 A conversation book 1: English in everyday life / Tina Kasloff Carver, Sandra Douglas Fotinos ; ill. by Paula Tatarunis. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall,  1998
5 428.34 C331-1 1998 A conversation book 2: English in everyday life / Tina Kasloff Carver, Sandra Douglas Fotinos Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall,  1998
6 428.24 H129 T454 1987 Advanced communication games / Hadfield, Jill. Surrey, UK : Thomas Nelson and Sons,  c1987.
7 428.24 H129 1987 Advanced communication games a collection of games and activities for intermadiate and advanced students of English Jill Hadfield Essex Longman c1987
8 428.24 H332 1983 American streamline departures : an intensive American English course for beginners Bernard Hartley & Peter Viney Oxford Oxford University Press 1983
9 428.24 H332 1984 American streamline departures workbook A, unitsl-40 Bernard Hartley & Peter Viney Oxford Oxford University Press c1984
10 428.24 N972 1995 Atlas : learning-centered communication / David Nunan ... [et al.]. Boston, Mass. : Heinle, 1995.
11 428.2 R516 1995 Breakthrough a course in English communication practice J.C. Richards, M.N. Long Taipei, Taiwan The Crane Publihing Co c1995
12 428.34 R777 1990 Can't stop talking : discussion problems for advanced beginners and low intermediates / George Rooks. Boston, Mass. :  Heinle & Heinle,  1990
13 428.3 B792 1991 Common spoken English errors of chinese students Joseph and Linda Boyle Hong Kong Longman c1991
14 428.24 M723 v.2 1995 Communicator II : the comprehensive course in functional English / Steven H. Molinsky, Bill Bliss ; contributing authors, Susan Siegel, Carol Piñeiro. Englewood Cliffs. N.J. : Prentice Hall Regents, c1995.
15 428.64 A182-2 1997 Concepts and comments : a reader for students of English as a second language / Patricia Ackert, Anne L. Nebel. Fort Worth : Harcourt Brace, c1997.
16 428.007 N789 1987 Conversation / Rob Nolasco & Lois Arthur. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1987, 2003 printing.
17 428.34 B427 1999 Conversation Assists Morton W. Belcher Taipei The Crane publishing c1999
18 428.34 D635 1981 Conversations in English 實用英語會話 Points of departure julia M. Dobsonin, Frank Sedwick New York, NY American Book Company c1981
19 428.34 G336 Culturally speaking a conversation and culture text Rhona B. Genzel and Martha Graves Cummings Boston, MA Heinle & Heinle 1994
20 428.24 F671  K44  2003 Discussion starters : speaking fluency activities for advanced ESL/EFL students / Keith S. Folse. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c1996;  Taipei : KeyTEXTS(Taiwan), 2003.
21 428.3 T882a 1994 English conversation / Amy B. M. Tsui. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 1994.
22 428.24951 Y43 2004 English conversation in Taiwan : elementary level / Michael Yeldham. Taipei, Taiwan : Crane Publishing Co.(文鶴), 2004.
23 428.24951 Y43-2 2004 English conversation in Taiwan : intermediate level / Michael Yeldham. Taipei, Taiwan : Crane Publishing Co.(文鶴), 2004.
24 428.24951 Y43-1 2004 English conversation in Taiwan : lower intermediate level / Michael Yeldham. Taipei, Taiwan : Crane Publishing Co.(文鶴), 2004.
25 428.24951 Y43-3 2004 English conversation in Taiwan : upper intermediate level / Michael Yeldham. Taipei, Taiwan : Crane Publishing Co.(文鶴), 2004.
26 428.3 C324 1997 Exploring spoken English Ronald Carter, Michael McCarthy Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press 1997
27 428.24 N972 2001 Expressions, meaningful English communication / David Nunan, John Chapman. Australia ; Boston : Heinle & Heinle/Thomson Learning, c2001 + 3 audio cassettes.
28 428.34 M723 1986-88 ExpressWays : English for communication / Steven J. Molinsky, Bill Bliss. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall, c1986-c1988.
29 428.24 R149 2005 Fluent English : making the leap to natural, perfect English (LL (R) ESL) / written by Barbara Raifsnider ; edited by Christopher A. Warnasch. New York : Living Language, 2005.
30 428.34 J77-2 1983 Functions of American English : communication activities for the classroom / Leo Jones, C. von Baeyer. Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1983.
31 428.202461 M113 2008 Good practice : communication skills in English for the medical practitioner. student's book / Marie McCullagh, Ros Wright. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2008.
32 428.24 V783 1996 Handshake :  a course in communication /  Peter Viney, Karen Viney Oxford :  Oxford University Press ,  1996
33 428.34 S949 2009 Impact conversation / Kristen Sullivan, Todd Beuckens ; series editor, Michael Rost. Hong Kong : Pearson Longman Asia ELT, 2009.
34 428.24 R516-3 Interchange : English for international communication / Jack C. Richards. Cambridge [England] ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1994-
35 428.24 R516-3 v.1 1990 Interchange : English for international communication. 1 / Jack C. Richards with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1990.
36 428.24 R512 1990 Interchange English for international communication. student's book Jack C. Richards with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press 1990
37 428.24 R516-3 v.1 2005 Interchange. 1 / Jack C. Richards with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor. Cambridge, UK ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
38 428.24 R516-3 v.2 2005 Interchange. 2 / Jack C. Richards with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor. Cambridge, U.K. ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
39 428.007 H129 1990 Intermediate communication games a collection of games and activities for low to mid-intermediate students of English Jill Hadfield Essex Longman c1990
40 428.24 P162 1992 Jamboree communication activities for children John Palim and Paul Power Surrey Nelson 1990
41 428.24 R839-2 1993 Keynote : communication in the real world / Michael Rost, Anne McGannon. Harlow : Lingual House, c1993.
42 428.24 R839-3 1994 Keynote plus : conversation in the real world / Anne McGannon, Carolyn R. Chow, Michael Rost. Harlow : Lingual House, c1994.
43 428.34 J77-1 2002 Let's talk / Leo Jones. Cambridge, U.K. : Cambridge University Press, 2002.
44 428.24 H332-1 1994 New American streamline. Departures : an intensive American English course for beginners : student book / Bernard Hartley & Peter Viney. New York : Oxford University Press, c1994.
45 428.24 H332-2 1996 New American streamline. Destinations : an intensive American English series for advanced students : student book / Bernard Hartley & Peter Viney ; revised by Irene Frankel, with contributions by Peter Viney. New York : Oxford University Press, c1996.
46 428.24 R516-2 2000 New interchange : English for international communication : intro student's book / Jack C. Richards. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York : Cambridge University Press,   c2000
47 428.24 R516-1 1997 New interchange : English for international communication : student's  book 1 / Jack C. Richards, with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York : Cambridge University Press,   c1997
48 428.24 R516 1997 New interchange English for international communication student's book  Jack C. Richards, with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor Cambridge, U.K New York, NY, USA Cambridge University Press 1997
49 428.24 R516 v.3 1998-2003 New interchange. 3 : English for international communication / Jack C. Richards with Jonathan Hull and Susan Proctor. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1998-2003.
50 428.24 H314 2000 On speaking terms : conversion practice for intermediate students / Jimmy G. Harris, Ron Hube. Singapore : Thomson Learning, 2000.
51 428.34 R516-3 Person to person : communicative speaking and listening skills / Jack C. Richards, David Bycina, Ingrid Wisniewska. New York : Oxford, c2005-2006.
52 428.24 C443 1995 Play and practice! communicative activities and games for building English language skills Anthony Chamberlin, Kurt Stenberg Lincolnwood, Ill National Textbook Company 1995
53 428.34956 G479 2004 Speak English like an American = [Amerika-jin no yōni Eigo o hanasō] / Amy Gillett. Ann Arbor, MI : Language Success Press, c2004.
54 428.34 G549 1985 Speak freely : conversational American English / Elliot Glass, Paul Arcario. San Diego : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, c1985.
55 428.34 B993 1987 Speaking Oxford Oxford University Press 1987
56 428.34 J78 1992 Speaking American English for the non-native speaker Clarice M. Jones, Jean H. Miculka Cincinnati, OH South-Western Pub. Co c1992
57 428.34 T577 1985 Speaking naturally communication skills in American English Bruce Tillitt, Mary Newton Bruder Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] New York Cambridge University Press 1985
58 428.24 W295 v.1 1993 Spectrum 1 : a communicative course in English / Diane Warshawsky with Donald R.H. Byrd. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Regents/Prentice Hall, c1993.
59 428.24 W295 v.2 1994 Spectrum 2 : a communicative course in English / Sandra Costinett, with Donald R.H. Byrd ; Donald R.H. Byrd, project director ; Anna Veltfort, art director. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall Regents, c1994.
60 428.24 W295 v.3 1994 Spectrum 3 : a communicative course in English / Diane Warshawsky with Donald R.H. Byrd ; Donald R.H. Byrd, project director ; Anna Veltfort, art director. Englewood Cliffs, NJ : Prentice Hall Regents, c1994.
61 428.34 W295 1983 Spectum 3 a communicative course in English Diane Warshawsky with Donald R.H. Byrd ; Donald R.H. Byrd, project director ; Anna Veltfort, art director New York Regents Publishing Company, Inc c1983
62 421 H188 1989 Spoken and written language M. A. K. Halliday Oxford Oxford University Press 1989
63 428.24 S827 2007 Step forward : language for everyday life. New York : Oxford University Press, c2007.
64 428.34 W182 1994-1995 Success : communicating in English / Michael Walker. Reading, Mass. : Addison-Wesley, c1994-1995.
65 428.34 F866 1978 Survival English : practice in everyday communication J. F. de Freitas Taipei Caves Books c1978
66 428.34 S364 1989 Talk about values conversation skills for intermediate students Irene E. Schoenberg New York Longman 1989
67 428.6 H737 v.1 2003 Tech talk : Elementary / Hollett, Vicki. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2003.
68 428.6 H737 v.2 2005 Tech talk : Pre-intermediate / Hollett, Vicki. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2005.
69 428.34 L665 1987 The culture puzzle : cross-cultural communication for English as a second language Deena R. Levine, Jim Baxter, Piper McNulty Englewood Cliffs, N. J Prentice-Hall c1987
70 420.141 C812 2001 The language of speech and writing / Sandra Cornbleet and Ronald Carter. London ; New York : Routledge, 2001.
71 428.24 P162-1 1992 Tombola communication activities for teenagers John Palim, Paul Power, Phyllis Vannuffel Surrey Nelson 1992
72 428.3 P417 1993 Touchy situations an advanced conversation test for ESL students Glen Alan Penrod Salinas, CA Laser c1993
73 428.24 M453-1 1998 True colors : an EFL course for real communication / Jay Maurer, Irene E. Schoenberg. White Plains, NY : Longman, c1998.
74 428.24 C448 2002 Up close 2 : English for global communication / Anna Uhl Chamot, Isobel Rainey de Diaz, Joan Baker-Gonzalez with Deborah Gordan & Nina Weinstein. Boston, MA : Thomson Heinle, c2002.
75 420 U85 1996 Using English from conversation to canon edited by Janet Maybin and Neil Mercer London [England] Routledge in association with the Open University 1996
76 428.64 R877 1999 Wavelength Elementary workbook Ben Rowdon Essex, England Longman 1999