國立高雄第一科技大學 英語自學館藏主題書目(英文)  
                             1.英語教學 | 2.英語學習技巧 | 3.單字詞彙 | 4.文法學習 | 5.發音 | 6.聽力 | 7.會話 | 8.閱讀 | 9.寫作 | 10.翻譯 | 11.語言考試 
                          12.語言應用 | 13.語言文學 | 14.文化學習 | 15.商業英語 | 16.新聞英語 | 17.觀光英語 | 18.工具書 | 19.學術論文 | 20.多媒體
    9. 寫作  
項次 索書號 書名/ 作者 出版項
1 428.24 J82 1992 Academic writing course / R. R. Jordan. London : Nelson, 1992.
2 428.24 J82 1999 Academic writing course : study skills in English / R. R. Jordan Harlow : Longman, 1999.
3 428.3 I32 1993-95 American Compass Student's book Hazel Imbert...[et cl.] New York, NY Phoenix c1993-95
4 428.2 C264 2006 Better writing / Mary T. Carbone. Mason, Ohio : Thomson/South-Western, c2006.
5 428.2 M114 1999 Cambridge first certificate writing Richard MacAndrew, Cathy Lawday Cambridge, UK Cambridge University Press c1999
6 421.1 G216 2000 English transcription course M. Luisa Garcia Lecumberri and John A. Maidment London Arnold New York Oxford University Press 2000
7 428 H894 2005 Exploring grammar in writing : upper-intermediate and advanced : with answers / Rebecca Hughes. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005.
8 428.24 R152 1998 Exploring through writing : a process approach to ESL composition / Ann Raimes. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, c1998.
9 428.0071 C456 2009 From Multicodes to Conventional Writing: A Study on Elementary EFL Students' Learning to Write / Fang-Chi Chang Taiwan, Taipei : The Crane Publishing, 2009
10 428 B985 2006 Fundamentals of academic writing. Level 1 / Linda Butler. New York : Pearson, 2006.
11 428.007 B315 1984 Guided composition / Florence Baskoff. Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1984.
12 428.24 K59-1 v.4 2002 Interactions 2. writing / Cheryl Pavlik, Margaret Keenan Segal ; with contributions by Laurie Blass. New York : McGraw-Hill, c2002
13 428.24 S454 1990 Interactions I : a writing process book / Margaret Keenan Segal, Cheryl Pavlik. New York : McGraw-Hill, c1990.
14 428.24 K59 v.4 2007 Interactions. 1. Writing : sentence development and introduction to the paragraph / Cheryl Pavlik, Margaret Keenan Segal   Lawrence J. Zwier, contributor, focus on testing   Meredith Pike-Baky, writing strand leader. New York : McGraw-Hill, 2007.
15 428.0071 L257 2001 Landmark essays on ESL writing / edited by Tony Silva, Paul Kei Matsuda. Mahwah, N.J. : Hermagoras Press, c2001.
16 428.00712 A546 2005 Mechanically inclined : building grammar, usage, and style into writer's workshop / Jeff Anderson ; foreword by Vicki Spandel. Portland, Me. : Stenhouse Publishers, c2005.
17 428.24 M478 1993 Modern business correspondence / Donna C. McComas, Marilyn L. Satterwhite. New York : Glencoe Division, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, 1993.
18 428.24 W494-1 v.4 2002 Mosaic 1. writing / Laurie Blass, Meredith Pike-Baky. New York : McGraw-Hill, c2002.
19 428.24 W494-2 v.4 2002 Mosaic 2. writing / Laurie Blass, Meredith Pike-Baky. New York : McGraw-Hill/Contemporary, c2002.
20 428.24 B995 1993 Problem/solution a reference for writers by Patricia Byrd and Beverly Benson Boston Heinle & Heinle 1993
21 428.22 P964 1989 Project achievement : writing. New York : Scholastic Inc., 1989.
22 428.24 L441 1993 Reactions : multicultural reading-based writing modules / Roni Lebauer, Robin Scarcella with the assistance of Susan Stern. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Regents/Prentice Hall, 1993.
23 428.24 B639 1994 Ready to write a first composition text Karen Blanchard, Christine Root White Plains, NY Longman c1994
24 428.24 R777 1988 Share your paragraph : an interactive process approach to writing / George Rooks. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall Regents, c1988.
25 428.007 H129-1 2000 Simple writing activities / Jill Hadfield, Charles Hadfield. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2000.
26 428.24 B716 1994 Step into writing a basic writing text Margaret Bonner Reading, Mass Addison-Wesley [c1994]
27 428.24 W516 1997 Talk your head off (-- and write, too!) / written by Brana Rish West ; illustrated by Harlan West. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall Regents, c1997.
28 428.00711 A443 2000 The Allyn & Bacon sourcebook for college writing teachers [compiled by] James C. McDonald Needham Heights, Mass Allyn and Bacon c2000
29 428.2 W116 1993 The art of styling sentences : 20 patterns for success / by Marie L. Waddell, Robert M. Esch, Roberta R. Walker. New York : Barron's Educational Series, c1993.
30 428.2 F559 2000 The complete sentence workout book Carolyn H. Fitzpatrick, Marybeth B. Ruscica Boston Allyn and Bacon 2000
31 428.2 K16 1994 The confident writer Carol Kanar Geneva, IL Houghton Mifflin Co c1994
32 428.007 H287 2007 The practice of English language teaching / Jeremy Harmer. Essex, England : Pearson Longman, c2007.
33 428.34 W959 1993 The student guide to writing in Wen Tzao edited by  Hsiao-Li Wu, Wei-pei Wang [s.l.] [s.n.] c1993
34 428.24 B328 1991 The writing challenge / Karen Batchelor, Randi Slaughter. New York, N.Y. : Maxwell Macmillan International Pub. Group, c1991.
35 421 B572 1996 Variety in written English texts in society : societies in text Tony Bex London New York Routledge 1996
36 428.24 L776 1990 Visions : an academic writing text / Emily Lites, Jean Lehman. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice Hall Regents, c1990.
37 428.24 C967 1983 Write about-- : intermediate writing activities / Michael Cullup, Cheryl Pavlik, Lisa Wolff. Boston, Mass. : Heinle and Heinle, c1983.
38 428.24 Z53 2008 Writers at work : The essay / Dorothy E. Zemach, Lynn Stafford-Yilmaz. New York : Cambridge University Press, 2008.
39 428.2 H453 1988 Writing Oxford Oxford University Press 1988
40 428.34 B259-1 2005 Writing for the real world. 2. Student book : an introduction to business writing / Roger Barnard, Antoinette Meehan. Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2005.
41 428.071 M123 2007 Writing skills / Sam McCarter, Norman Whitby. Oxford : Macmillan Education, 2007.
42 428.00712 S851 2002 Writing skills for the GRE and GMAT tests. Australia ; Princeton, N.J. : Thomson/Peterson's, c2002.
43 428.24 C945 2009 Writing texts in English : a guide for intermediate and advanced learners / Winifred Crombie, Diane Johnson. Taipei, Taiwan : Ting Lung Book Co., c2009
44 428.07 K92 1995 Writing the future : English and the making of a culture of innovation  / Gunther Kress Sheffield :  National Association for the Teaching of English,  1995