國立高雄第一科技大學 英語自學館藏主題書目(英文) |
【1.英語教學 | 2.英語學習技巧 | 3.單字詞彙 | 4.文法學習 | 5.發音 | 6.聽力 | 7.會話 | 8.閱讀 | 9.寫作 | 10.翻譯 | 11.語言考試 】 |
【12.語言應用 | 13.語言文學 | 14.文化學習 | 15.商業英語 | 16.新聞英語 | 17.觀光英語 | 18.工具書 | 19.學術論文 | 20.多媒體】 |
說明 |
索書號未冠任何字母:資料類型為圖書(含附件)。 |
索書號前冠字母及其所代表之資料類型(含附件): |
AT:錄音帶。CD:雷射唱片。D:學位論文。DVD:數位影音光碟。EBK:電子書。KIT:多媒體組件。R:參考書。VCD:多媒體光碟。VT:錄影帶。 |
3. 單字詞彙 |
項次 |
索書號 |
書名/ 作者 |
出版項 |
1 |
421.520285 M685 1996 |
English spelling and
the computer Roger Mitton |
New York Longman 1995 |
2 |
422 B344 1983 |
word-formation / Laurie Bauer. |
Cambridge [Cambridgeshire] : Cambridge University Press, 1983. |
3 |
422 C418 2005 |
The words of the day
: the unlikely evolution of common English / Steven Cerutti; [edited by]
Donald K. Burleson, Janet Burleson, Teri Wade. |
Kittrell, NC : Rampant TechPress, 2005. |
4 |
422 E71 1989 |
In a word / text by
Margaret S. Ernst ; drawings by James Thurber. |
New York : Perennial Library, 1989, c1960. |
5 |
422 F982 1978 |
Word origins and
their romantic stories / by Wilfred Funk. |
New York : Bell Pub. Co. : distributed by Crown,, 1978 |
6 |
422 H847 1961 |
How to build a
better vocabulary, by Maxwell Nurnberg and W. T. Rhodes. |
Toronto, Popular Library, 1961. |
7 |
422 J12 2006 |
Red herrings and
white elephants : the origins of the phrases we use everyday / Albert
Jack ; with illustrations by Ama Page. |
New York : HarperCollinsPublishers [2005?]. |
8 |
422 J12-1 2010 |
Black sheep and lame
ducks : the origins of even more phrases we use every day / Albert Jack
; Illustrations by Ama Page. |
New York : Penguin Group, 2010. |
9 |
422 S866 2001 |
English words
history and structure Robert P. Stockwell and Donka Minkova |
Cambridge New York Cambridge University Press 2001 |
10 |
422 W726 1976 |
Keywords : a
vocabulary of culture and society / Raymond Williams. |
[London] : Fontana, 1976 |
11 |
422 W755 2009 |
Word myths :
debunking linguistic urban legends / David Wilton; illustrated by Ivan
Brunetti. |
New York : Oxford University Press, 2009. |
12 |
422 W924-1 2006 |
Word lore : the
history of 200 intriguing words. |
New York : Gramercy Books, 2006. |
13 |
422.4 K14 1997 |
The Synergy book of
current words and phrases B. N. Kakkar |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia S. Adbul Majeed & Co c1997 |
14 |
422.403 R476 2010 |
A certain je ne
sais quoi : the origin of foreign words used in English / Chloe Rhodes. |
Pleasantville, N.Y. : Reader's Digest Association, c2010. |
15 |
423 B875 1994 |
Idioms for everyday
use Milada Broukal, illustrations by Luques Nisset |
Lincolnwood, Ill National Textbook Co c1994 |
16 |
423.028 J12 2007 |
Words, meaning and
vocabulary : an introduction to modern English lexicology / Howard
Jackson, Etienne Zé Amvela. |
London : Continuum, 2007. |
17 |
423.1 C548 1994 |
Choose the right
word : a contemporary guide to selecting the precise word for every
situation / [edited by] S.I. Hayakawa. |
New York : HarperCollins, c1994. |
18 |
423.1 G649 2006 |
Who's whose? : a
no-nonsense guide to easily confused words / Philip Gooden. |
New York : Walker & Company, c2004, 2006. |
19 |
423.1 M723 |
Word by word picture
dictionary Steven J. Molinsky ; Bill Bliss |
Englewood Cliffs, N.J Prentice Hall Regents c1994 |
20 |
423.1 O98-10 2004 |
Oxford Canadian
spelling / edited by Robert Pontisso, Eric Sinkins ; editor-in chief,
Canadian dictionaries, Katherine Barber. |
Don Mills, Ont. : Oxford University Press, 2004. |
21 |
423.1 R286 1969 |
Reader's digest use
the right word : modern guide to synonyms and related words, lists of
antonyms, copious cross-references, a complete and legible index [by]
the editors of the Reader's digest and the Funk & Wagnalls dictionary
staff |
London Reader's Digest Association c1969 |
22 |
425 M167 2003 |
English phrasal
verbs in use / Michael McCarthy and Felicity O’Dell |
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003 |
23 |
425 M167 2007 |
English phrasal
verbs in use : advanced / Michael McCarthy and Felicity O'Dell. |
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2007. |
24 |
425 P173 1965 |
A linguistic study
of the English verb F.R. Palmer |
London Longmans c1965 |
25 |
427.02 L879 2005 |
The rise of the
to-infinitive / Bettelou Los. |
Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2005. |
26 |
427.9 C713 1992 |
101 American English
proverbs understanding language and culture through commonly used
sayings Harry Collis ; illustrated by Mario Risso |
Lincolnwood, Ill Passport Books c1992 |
27 |
427.973 C486 1987 |
American regional
dialects a word geography Craig M. Carver |
Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press c1987 |
28 |
427.973 C712 2007 |
101 American English
idioms with audio CD / Harry Collis. |
Chicago, IL : McGraw-Hill, 02/2007. |
29 |
427.973 C713 1986 |
101 American English
idioms understanding and speaking English like an American Harry Collis
; illustrated by Mario Risso |
Lincolnwood, Ill., U.S.A Passport Books c1987 |
30 |
427.973 K11 1996 |
Traveling through
idioms an exercise guide to the world of American idioms Judi Kadden |
Ann Arbor University of Michigan Press c1996 |
31 |
428 G723 |
The complete plain
words by Sir Ernest Gowers |
London H.M.S.O 1948 |
32 |
428 M123 2002 |
English idioms in
use / Michael McCarthy and Felicity O'Dell. |
Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2002 (2006 6th
printing). |
33 |
428.00973 S741 1992 |
Common American
phrases in everyday contexts a detailed guide to real-life conversation
and small talk Richard A. Spears |
Lincolnwood, Ill National Textbook Co c1992 |
34 |
428.1 B695 2000 |
1100 words you need
to know / Murray Bromberg, Melvin Gordon. |
Hauppauge, NY : Barron's Educational Series, c2000. |
35 |
428.1 B695-1 2008 |
1100 words you need
to know / Murray Bromberg, Melvin Gordon. |
Hauppauge, NY : Barron's Educational Series, c2008 |
36 |
428.1 B724 1997 |
Practical vocabulary
practice 實用英文字彙練習 |
Taipei Bookman Books Ltd 1997 |
37 |
428.1 B724-2 1990 |
Vocabulary practice
with word study 2 字彙研習及測驗 |
Taipei Bookman Books Ltd 1990 |
38 |
428.1 B868 1993 |
1100 words you need
to know Murray Bromberg, Melvin Gordon |
Hauppauge, NY Barron's Educational Series c1993 |
39 |
428.1 B868 2013 |
1100 words you need
to know, 6th edition / Murray Bromberg, Melvin Gordon. |
Hauppauge, NY : Barrons Educational Series, Inc,, 2013. |
40 |
428.1 B868-1 2005 |
504 absolutely
essential words / Murray Bromberg, Julius Liebb, Arthur Traiger. |
Hauppauge, N.Y. : Barron's, c2005. |
41 |
428.1 C635 2005 |
1500 words in 15
minutes a day : a year-long plan to learn 28 words a week / Ceil
Cleveland. |
New York : McGraw-Hill, c2005. |
42 |
428.1 C973 1992 |
Word power
strategies for acquiring English vocabulary Alan Cunningsworth and
Phillipa Ferst |
London Macmillan 1992 |
43 |
428.1 D559 1989 |
Vocabulary for
college Paul B. Diederich, Sydell Terris Carlton |
Orlando Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1989 |
44 |
428.1 E33 1968 |
Instant Vocabulary
Ida L. Ehrlich |
New York Pocket Books c1968 |
45 |
428.1 E33 1968 |
Instant vocabulary
Ida L. Ehrlich |
New York Pocket Books 1968 |
46 |
428.1 F245 1995 |
The world of English
/ Mark Farrell |
Harlow : Longman, 1995 |
47 |
428.1 F982 1971 |
30 days to a more
powerful vocabulary / Wilfred Funk and Norman Lewis. |
New York, NY : Pocket Books, 1971, c1970. |
48 |
428.1 G231 2006 |
Another word a day :
an all-new romp through some of the most unusual and intriguing words in
English / Anu Garg. |
Hoboken, N.J. : John Wiley, c2006. |
49 |
428.1 G553 2005 |
The least you should
know about vocabulary building : word roots / Teresa Ferster Glazier,
Laura D. Knight, Carol E. Friend. |
Boston, MA : Thomson/Wadsworth, c2005. |
50 |
428.1 H185 1987 |
Essential vocabulary
for college-bound students Margaret Ann Haller |
New York, N.Y Distributed by Prentice Hall Trade c1987 |
51 |
428.1 H816 1996 |
Words at work David
Horner, Peter Strutt |
Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1996 |
52 |
428.1 K26 1994 |
vocabulary skills / Dennis Keen. |
Boston : Heinke & Heinke, c1994. |
53 |
428.1 L673 1978 |
Word power made easy
: the complete handbook for building a superior vocabulary / Norman
Lewis. |
New York, NY [u.a.] : Pocket, 1949, c1978. |
54 |
428.1 M613 1998 |
Vocabulary &
spelling skills for college students Judith N. Meyers |
New Jersey Prentice Hall 1998 |
55 |
428.1 M734 2006 |
Words fail me /
Teresa Monachino. |
London ; New York : Phaidon Press, 2006. |
56 |
428.1 M848 1986 |
Vocabulary |
Oxford Oxford University Press 1986 |
57 |
428.1 M848 2004 |
Vocabulary / John
Morgan, Mario Rinvolucri. |
Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2004. |
58 |
428.1 N726 2001 |
vocabulary for college thinking Sherrie L. Nist, Michele L. Simpson |
Boston Allyn and Bacon c2001 |
59 |
428.1 N727 2003 |
Building vocabulary
skills / Sherrie L. Nist, Carole Mohr. |
Taipei : Bookman Books, c2003, c2002. |
60 |
428.1 N727-1 2004 |
Improving vocabulary
skills / Sherrie L. Nist and Carole Mohr |
Taipei : Bookman Books, 2004 |
61 |
428.1 N727-2 2004 |
Advancing vocabulary
skills / Sherrie L. Nist, Carole Mohr |
Taipei : Bookman Books, 2004 |
62 |
428.1 P462 1988 |
College vocabulary
building Devern Perry |
Cincinnati, OH South-Western Pub c1993 |
63 |
428.1 R658 1988 |
Word smart building
an educated vocabulary by Adam Robinson and the staff of the Princeton
Review |
New York Villard Books 1988 |
64 |
428.1 R658 2006 |
Word smart :
building an educated vocabulary / [Adam Robinson and the staff of the
Princeton Review]. |
New York : Random House, c2006. |
65 |
428.1 R893 2009 |
Ultimate word
success / Laurie Rozakis. , PH.D. |
Lawrenceville, NJ : Peterson's, c2009. |
66 |
428.1 R896 2000 |
Gaining word power
Dorothy Rubin |
Boston Allyn and Bacon c2000 |
67 |
428.1 S341 1995 |
Grow your vocabulary
by learning the roots of English words Robert Schleifer |
New York Random House c1995 |
68 |
428.1 S677 1989 |
Words at work :
vocabulary building through reading / Betty Sobel, Susan Bookman. |
Boston, MA. : Heinle &Heinle , c1989. |
69 |
428.1 V328 1997 |
The Synergy book of
word power Gratian Vas |
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia S. Adbul Majeed & Co c1997 |
70 |
428.1 W324 1994 |
Target vocabulary
Peter Watcyn-Jones |
England Peguin 1994 |
71 |
428.1 W924 1983 |
The words you need
B. Rudzka ... [et al.] |
Taipei, Taiwan Cave Book, Ltd 1983 |
72 |
428.1 W924 1991 |
Word formation
editor in chief, John Sinclair |
London HarperCollins Publishers 1991 |
73 |
428.1 W924 1993 |
Words made easy
Visual Education Corporation |
Lake Forest, Illinois Macmillian/McGraw-Hill c1993 |
74 |
428.1 W951 1999 |
Idioms organiser :
organised by metaphor, topic and key word / by Jon Wright ; edited by
Jimmie Hill and Morgan Lewis ; illustrated by Bill Stott. |
Hove, England : Language Teaching Publications, c1999. |
75 |
428.107 P295 1971 |
Three dimensions of
vocabulary growth / by Lewis M. Paternoster and Ruth L. Frager. |
New York : AMSCO School Publications, 1971. |
76 |
428.1071 R283 2000 |
Assessing vocabulary
/ John Read. |
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2000. |
77 |
428.1076 R917 1985 |
More words you need
B. Rudzka...[et al.] |
London Macmillan 1985 |
78 |
428.1077 F299 2002 |
Programed college
vocabulary / George W. Feinstein. |
Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Prentice Hall, c2002. |
79 |
428.2 B573 2007 |
501 English verbs :
fully conjugated in all the tenses in a new easy-to-learn format,
alphabetically arranged / by Thomas R. Beyer, Jr. |
Hauppauge, NY : Barron's Educational Series, 2007. |
80 |
428.2 D559 1964 |
Vocabulary for
college Paul b. Diederich, Sydell Terris Carlton |
New York Harcourt, Brace & World, Inc 1964-1965 |
81 |
428.2 D754-3 1992 |
The lost world Sir
Arthur Conan Doyle ; retold by Anne Collins |
Oxford Heinemann English Language Teaching c1992 |
82 |
428.2 G779 2004 |
English verbs /
Loretta Gray. |
New York : McGraw-Hill, c2004. |
83 |
428.2 L665 1983 |
Vocabulary for the
college-bound student / by Harold Levine. |
New York : Amsco School Pub., c1983. |
84 |
428.2 S894 2006 |
2,000+ essential
English verbs : the easiest way to master verbs and speak fluently! /
written by Louise Stracke ; edited by Suzanne McQuade. |
New York : Living Language, c2006. |
85 |
428.24 A134 2008 |
Postcards /
Brian Abbs ... [et al.]. |
N.Y. : Pearson Education Inc., 2008. |
86 |
428.24 B956 1991 |
LEXIS academic
vocabulary study Arline Burgmeier, Gerry Eldred, Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman |
Englewood Cliffs, N.J Prentice Hall Regents c1991 |
87 |
428.24 C555 1996 |
Word strand Susana
Christie |
Boston, MA Heinle & Heinle 1996 |
88 |
428.24 D621 1994 |
Essential idioms in
English / Robert J. Dixson ; Japanese equivalents by Yoshimichi Ohshima. |
Tokyo : Prentice Hall Japan, 1994. |
89 |
428.24 G553 1993 |
The least you should
know about vocabulary building : word roots / Teresa Ferster Glazier. |
Fort Worth : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich College Publishers, c1993. |
90 |
428.24 M122 1978 |
More idiom drills
for students of English as a second language / George P. McCallum. |
Taipei : Rainbow-Bridge, c1978. |
91 |
428.24 M122-1 1982 |
Words people use :
passive/active vocabulary skills for students of English as a second
language / George P. McCallum. |
New York : Harper & Row, c1982. |
92 |
428.24 M123 2001 |
Test your English
vocabulary in use. Upper-intermediate / Michael McCarthy, Felicity
O'Dell. |
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001. |
93 |
428.24 M123-1 1999 |
English vocabulary
in use. Elementary / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell. |
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press,. 1999 (2006 15th printing). |
94 |
428.24 M123-2 2003 |
English vocabulary
in use. Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate : 100 units of vocabulary
reference and practice : Self study and classroom use. |
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003 (2007 10th printing). |
95 |
428.24 M123-3 1997 |
Vocabulary in use.
Upper-intermediate : self-study reference and practice for students of
North American English with answers / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell,
with Ellen Shaw. |
Cambridge ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 1997. |
96 |
428.24 M123-3 2001 |
English vocabulary
in use. Upper-intermediate / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell. |
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001 (2005 9th printing). |
97 |
428.24 M123-4 2002 |
English vocabulary
in use : advanced / Michael McCarthy, Felicity O'Dell. |
Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, c2002. |
98 |
428.24 O52 1996 |
Words in motion : an
interactive approach to writing / David Olsher. |
New York : Oxford University Press, c1996. |
99 |
428.24 R318 1999 |
Vocabulary in use :
intermediate : self-study reference and practice for students of North
American English with answers / Stuart Redman, with Ellen Shaw. |
New York : Cambridge University Press, 1999. |
100 |
428.24 R532 2012 |
Inside reading 4 :
the academic word list in context / by Kent Richmond. |
Oxford ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2012. |
101 |
428.24 R896 2012 |
reading. 3 : the academic word list in context / Bruce Rubin Series
director, Cheryl Boyd Zimmerman.. |
Oxford New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2012. |
102 |
428.24 R917 2003 |
Word power : phrasal
verbs and compounds : a cognitive approach / by Brygida Rudzka-Ostyn. |
Berlin ; New York : Mouton de Gruyter, 2003. |
103 |
428.24 S741 1996 |
Basic phrasal verbs
/ Richard A. Spears. |
Lincolnwood, Ill., USA : National Textbook Co., c1996. |
104 |
428.24 W913 2004 |
Key words for
fluency. Upper intermediate collocation practice : learning and
practising the most useful words of English / George Woolard. |
London : Thomson ELT, c2004. |
105 |
428.24 W926 2013 |
Work on your
vocabulary. Intermediate B1. |
London : Collins, 2013. |
106 |
428.24 W926-1 2013 |
Work on your
vocabulary. Advanced C1. |
London : Collins, 2013. |
107 |
428.24 W926-2 2013 |
Work on your
grammar. Upper intermediate B2. |
London : Collins, 2013. |
108 |
428.3 C295 1993 |
Confusable words
Edwin Carpenter ; [The University of Birmingham] |
London HarperCollins Publishers 1993 |
109 |
428.81 L487 1988 |
Which words? a word
workout book advanced by Philip Leetch |
Hong Kong Macmillan Publishers 1988 |
110 |
428.81 L487-2 1988 |
Which words? a word
workout book intermediate by Philip Leetch |
Hong Kong Macmillan Publishers 1988 |