國立高雄第一科技大學 英語自學館藏主題書目(英文)  
                             1.英語教學 | 2.英語學習技巧 | 3.單字詞彙 | 4.文法學習 | 5.發音 | 6.聽力 | 7.會話 | 8.閱讀 | 9.寫作 | 10.翻譯 | 11.語言考試 
                          12.語言應用 | 13.語言文學 | 14.文化學習 | 15.商業英語 | 16.新聞英語 | 17.觀光英語 | 18.工具書 | 19.學術論文 | 20.多媒體
15. 商業英語 
項次 索書號 書名/ 作者 出版項
1 428 E58a 1984 Business banking English Language Services, Inc. ; consultant: William A. Mundell New York, NY Macmillan Publishing Company c1984
2 428 E58a-1 1984 Business international trade English Language Services, Inc. ; consultant: William A. Mundell, Claude M. Jonnard New York, NY Macmillan Publishing Company c1984
3 428 J66 2005 Intelligent Business : Skills Book / Christine Johnson. Harlow : Pearson Education, 2005.
4 428 M152 1989 Correspondence and business writing Language practice exercises Duncan Macintosh Hong Kong Book Marketing Ltd 1989
5 428 M152 1989b Correspondence and business writing An introductory course Duncan Macintosh Hong Kong Book Marketing Ltd 1989
6 428 M395-1 1996 Collins cobuild key words in business / Bill Mascull. London : Harper Collins publishers, c1996.
7 428 M395-1 2003 Collins cobuild key words in business / Bill Mascull zhu ; Zhang Rigao, Guo Xinru, He Xiaohui he yi. Taipei : Bookman, 2003.
8 428 P637 2006 Intelligent business : Workbook / Louise Pile. Harlow : Pearson Longman, 2006.
9 428 V364 2009 Get Ready for Business Student Book 2 : Preparing for Work / Andrew Vaughan, Dorothy E. Zemach. Oxford : Macmillan Education, 2009.
10 428 W931 1980 Secretaries by Vivien Worsdall New York, NY Macmillan Publishing Company c1980
11 428.2 B853 The language of business English reference and practice Nick Brieger and Simon Sweeney New York Prentice Hall International 1993
12 428.2 M184 1994 English for business by Macintosh Duncan Hong Kong (:Book Marketing Ltd c1994
13 428.2 S792 1988 Longman commercial communication : an intermediate coursein English for commercial correspondence and practice : students' book / A.J. Stanton and L.R. Wood Essex, England : Longman, 1988
14 428.202465 S654 2006 English for careers : business, professional, and technical / Leila R. Smith ; with contributions from Barbara Moran. Upper Saddle River, N.J. : Pearson Prentice Hall, c2006.
15 428.24 B562 2003 Test your business vocabulary in use / George Bethell, Tricia Aspinall. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003.
16 428.24 C538 1995 English for business  : a funcational approach / J. Chilver London : DP Publications , 1995
17 428.24 E58 1995 Speaking of business Lizabeth England, Christine Uber Grosse Boston, MA Heinle & Heinle c1996
18 428.24 G761 1995 Business basics David Grant and Robert McLarty Oxford Oxford University Press c1995
19 428.24 H737 1996 Business objectives /  Vicki Hollett Oxford :  Oxf.U.P.,  1996
20 428.24 I61-1 International business English. Sydney : Page,  1978-
21 428.24 L365 1987 Worksheet a business-based writing and grammar guide Frances Webb ... [et al.] Englewood Cliffs, N.J Prentice-Hall c1987
22 428.24 L887 1993 Business communication Lin Lougheed Reading, Mass Addison-Wesley Pub 1993
23 428.24 L887-1 1993 Business correspondence Lin Lougheed Reading, Mass Addison-Wesley Pub 1993
24 428.24 M156 2010 English for business studies : a course for business studies and economics students Student's book / Ian MacKenzie. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
25 428.24 M395 2002 Business vocabulary in use / Bill Mascull. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2002.
26 428.24 M395 2004 Business vocabulary in use. Advanced / Bill Mascull. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2004.
27 428.24 S792 1976 Modern Office Limited :  English for commerce /  [by] Sheila Stanwell and Sandra Nicholls London :  Oxford University Press for the British Broadcasting Corporation and the British Council on behalf of the British Ministry of Overseas Development,  1976
28 428.24 T774 2011 Intelligent business. Coursebook. Advanced business English / Tonya Trappe, Graham Tullis. Essex, England : Pearson Education, c2011.
29 428.2402465 K69 2001 Business Explorer 1. Student's book / Gareth Knight and Mark O'Neil. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2001.
30 428.2402465 M157 2011 Professional English in use. Management / Arthur McKeown, Ros Wright. Cambridge, U. K. : Cambridge University Press, c2011.
31 428.2402465 S974 2004 Communicating in business : a short course for business English students : cultural diversity and socializing, using the telephone, presentations, meetings and negotiations / Simon Sweeney. Cambridge : Cambridge Univ. Press, c2004.
32 428.240246588 F239 2008 Professional English in use. Marketing / Cate Farrall, Marianne Lindsley. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, c2008.
33 428.2407 M156 2006 Professional English in use: finance / Ian MacKenzie. Cambridge ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
34 428.24071 C592 2006 Essential BULATS : business language testing service / David Clark. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006.
35 428.242 D575 2003 Communicating in business English / Bob Dignen. Guilderland, NY : Compass Pub., c2003.
36 428.2433 B853 1992 Language reference for business english grammar, functions and communication skills by Nick Brieger and Jeremy Comfort Englewood Cliffs, NJ (:Prentice Hall International c1992
37 428.34 B259 1998 Good news, bad news : news stories for listening and discussion / Roger Barnard. New York : Oxford University Press, c1998.
38 428.34 C339 1989-1993 Business assignments [kit] : eight advanced case studies with video / Ken Casler, David Palmer. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1989-1993.
39 428.34 C851 2000 Market leader :  intermediate business English /  David Cotton, David Falvey, Simon Kent Harlow :  Longman,  2000
40 428.34 C851 v.3 2000 Market leader. Upper intermediate Business English. Harlow : Longman, 2001.
41 428.34 D748 2008 Cambridge English for job-hunting / Colm Downes. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, c2013.
42 428.34 R663 2010 Cambridge English for marketing / Nick Robinson. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge University Press, c2010.
43 428.34 S217 2011 Cambridge English for human resources / George Sandford. Cambridge : Cambridge Univiversity Press, 2011.
44 428.34 W828 2012 Business writing: skills,applications, and practices/ Michelle Witte Taipei, Taiwan : Cosmos, 2011
45 428.34 W828 2015 Business writing: skills,applications, and practices/ Michelle Witte. Taipei, Taiwan : Cosmos, 2015.
46 428.3402461 A442 v.1 2010 Cambridge English for nursing. pre-intermediate / Virginia Allum, Patricia McGarr. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2015.
47 428.3402461 A442 v.2 2008 Cambridge English for nursing / Virginia Allum, Patricia McGarr. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2010.
48 428.6 H899 1990 Commerce Principles & practice 1 Daniel Hui Jenny Lee Hong Kong Macmillan 1990
49 428.64 C732 1992 Marketing Jeremy Comfort and Nick Brieger Englewood Cliffs, NJ (:Prentice Hall International c1992
50 428.64 C734 2000 Communication & culture in the global economy / edite by Glyde Warden. Taipei: The Crane, c2000.
51 428.64 D922 1982 Communication for business materials for reading comprehension and discussion Ian Dunlop and Heinrich Schrand Oxford [Oxfordshire] New York Pergamon Press 1982, c1981
52 428.64 J27 1992 Business studies C.V. James New York Prentice Hall 1992