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[Address] [Education] [Work Experience] [Participated
Projects] [Publications]
- 1992 - 1997
Doctor of Philosophy,
Department of Mechanical
Master of Science,
of Architectural Engineering
The Pennsylvania State
University Park, Pennsylvania,
- 1988 - 1990
Master of Science, Department of
Mechanical Engineering
National Sun Yat-Sen
Kaohsiung, Taiwan, ROC
- 1981 - 1985
Bachelor of Science,
Department of Power
Mechanical Engineering
Tsing Hua University,
Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC
- 2001 - present
Assistant Professor, Department of Construction Engineering
National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology
- 2001 - present
Part-time Assistant Professor,
Department of Architectural Engineering
2000 - 2001
Director, Extension Education Center
1998 - 2001
Assistant Professor, Department of Architectural Engineering
Yung-Ta Institute of
Technology and Commerce, Pingtung, Taiwan, ROC
- 1999- present
Part-time Assistant Professor
National Open University,
Kaohsiung Learning Center, Taiwan, ROC
- 1997 - 1998
Post-Doctoral Researcher
National Science
and Technology Program for Hazards Mitigation
National Taiwan
University, Taiwan, ROC
- 1994 - 1997
Research Assistant,
Department of Architectural Engineering
The Pennsylvania State
University, USA
- 1993 - 1994
Department of Mechanical Engineering
The Pennsylvania
State University, USA
- 1990 - 1992
Mechanical Engineer Specializing in HVAC Systems
Mechanical Engineering Division
China Consultants, Inc.,
Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
- 1991 - 1992
Part-time Instructor
National Open University, Taipei Learning Center, Taiwan,
- 1987 - 1988
Teaching Assistant,
Department of Mechanical Engineering
National Sun Yat-Sen
University, Taiwan, ROC
- 1985 - 1987
Obligatory 2-year Military Service
Army, ROC
- Study on Applications of Evaporative Cooling to Building Envelops for
Thermal Load Reduction
National Science Council,
Taiwan, ROC, 2000-2002.
- Calculations of Outdoor Air Requirements for
Air-Conditioning Systems Including Infiltration, Exhaust,
and Interzonal Transfer
National Science Council,
Taiwan, ROC, 1999-2000.
- National Science
and Technology Program for Hazards Mitigation
National Science Council, Taiwan, ROC, 1997-1998.
- VAV System Ventilation:
Control Strategy Economics
The Trane Co., La
Crosse, WI, 1994-1996.
- Real-Time Optimization
of Ventilation Control to Minimize Energy Consumption in
Variable Air Volume Systems
Pennsylvania Energy
Development Authority, Project No. 93-017, 1995.
- The Second Passenger Terminal of Chaing Kai-Shek
International Airport
Civil Aeronautics
Administration, Ministry
of Transportation and Communications, Taiwan, ROC,
- Panchiao Line of Taipei Metropolitan Area Rapid Transit
Department of Rapid
Transit Systems, Taipei Municipal Government, Taiwan,
ROC, 1990-1991.
- The Study and Design
Manual of Building Perimeter Annual Load Analysis in
Taiwan Area
Energy Commission, Ministry
of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, ROC, Project No. 79211,
- The Analysis of
Internal Shading and Desiccant A/C System on Building
Energy Conservation Design in Taiwan Area
Energy Commission,
Ministry of Economic Affairs, Taiwan, ROC, Project No. 78211,
- Yu-Pei Ke and S. A. Mumma
Analysis of OptimumVentilation
Controls in Different Geographic Locations
Submitted to Environment
- Yu-Pei Ke and S. A. Mumma
Variable Air Volume
Ventilation Control Strategies Analyzed in Six Climate
Journal of Energy Research, vol. 23, n. 5, pp.
371-387, 1999. (EI, SCI)
- S. A. Mumma, T. A. Mahank, and Yu-Pei Ke
Analytical Determination of Duct Fitting Loss
Energy, vol. 61, n. 4, pp. 229-247, 1998. (EI)
- S. A. Mumma and Yu-Pei Ke
Field Testing of
Advanced Ventilation Controls for Variable Air Volume
International, vol. 24, n. 4, pp. 439-450, 1998.
- S. P Sevigny, Yu-Pei Ke, S. A Mumma, and D. Stanke
Air Handling Unit
Direct Digital Control System Retrofit to Provide
Acceptable Indoor Air Quality and Global Energy
Energy Engineering,
vol. 94, n. 5, pp. 24-43, 1997. (EI)
- Yu-Pei Ke
Optimum Ventilation
Control for Variable-Air-Volume Systems
Doctoral Thesis, The
Pennsylvania State University, August 1997.
- Yu-Pei Ke
Applications of
Carbon Dioxide Measurements for Ventilation Controls
Master Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University, August
- Yu-Pei Ke and S. A. Mumma
Using Carbon Dioxide
Measurements to Determine Occupancy for Ventilation
Transactions, vol. 103, pt. 2, pp. 365-374, 1997. (EI)
- Yu-Pei Ke, S. A. Mumma, and D. Stanke
Simulation Results
and Analysis of Eight Ventilation Control Strategies in
VAV Systems
Transactions, vol. 103, pt. 2, pp. 381-392, 1997.
- S. A. Mumma, Yu-Pei Ke, and S. P. Sevigny
Humidification; System Integration, Energy, and Indoor
Air Quality Engineering Issues
ASHRAE Transactions, vol. 103, pt. 2, pp. 894-905,
1997. (EI)
- Yu-Pei Ke and S. A. Mumma
Optimized Supply Air
Temperature (SAT) in Variable-Air-Volume (VAV)
International Journal, vol. 22, n. 6, pp.
601-614, 1997. (EI, SCI)
- S. A. Mumma, T. A. Mahank, and Yu-Pei Ke
Close Coupled
Ductwork Fitting Pressure Drop
Journal of HVAC&R Research, vol. 3,
n. 2, pp. 158-177, 1997. (EI)
- Yu-Pei Ke and S. A. Mumma
Derivation of
Equations Necessary for Primary Airflow Redistribution in
VAV Systems to Reduce Outdoor Air Intake While Meeting
Ventilation Requirements
International Journal of HVAC&R Research, vol. 3,
n. 1, pp. 3-18, 1997. (EI)
- Yu-Pei Ke and S. A. Mumma
A Generalized
Multiple Spaces Equation to Accommodate Any Mix of
Close-off and Fan-Powered VAV Boxes
Transactions, vol. 102, pt. 1, pp. 183-192, 1996.
- Kuan-Hsiung Yang and Yu-Pei Ke
The Overall Thermal
Transfer Value (OTTV) for Taiwan
Proceedings of the Fourteenth National Conference on
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, pp. 1445-1454,
Chung Li, Taiwan,
ROC, December 14-15, 1990. (in Chinese)
- Kuan-Hsiung Yang and Yu-Pei Ke
The Analysis of Envelope
Cooling Load Value
Proceedings of the Seventh National Conference of the
Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineering, pp.
443-454, Hsinchu, Taiwan, ROC, November 10-11,
1990. (in Chinese)
- Yu-Pei Ke
The Study of Energy
Conservation Indexes of the Building Air-Conditioning
Master Thesis, National
Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, ROC, June 1990. (in
- K. H. Yang, R. L. Hwang and Y. P. Ker
The Analysis of Enthalpy
Control Strategies and Its Application in Hot and Humid
of Building Simulation '89, International
Building Performance Simulation Association, Canada,
pp. 347-354, June 1989.
- American Society of
Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
- American Society of
Mechanical Engineers
Send Comments to Yu-Pei Ke:
December 3, 2001
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