
Little Women
General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 1279 302 95 684 18 2378
Token 8596 8596 8596 8596 8596 8596
Ratio (%) 14.87 3.51 1.10 7.95 0.20 27.63
Wuthering Height General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 1241 122 119 789 22 2293
Token 8295 8295 8295 8295 8295 8295
Ratio (%) 14.96 1.47 1.43 9.51 0.26 27.63
Gulliver’s Travel General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 1326 25 151 423 10 1935
Token 6335 6335 6335 6335 6335 6335
Ratio (%) 20.93 0.39 2.38 6.67 0.15 30.52
Call of the Wild General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 1220 179 137 444 4 1984
Token 7463 7463 7463 7463 7463 7463
Ratio (%) 16.34 2.39 1.83 5.94 0.05 26.55
Treasure Island General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 2030 278 234 887 6 3435
Token 12005 12005 12005 12005 12005 12005
Ratio 16.90 2.31 1.94 7.38 0.04 28.57
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 554 40 59 389 7 1049
Token 4209 4209 4209 4209 4209 4209
Ratio 13.16 0.95 1.40 9.24 0.16 24.91
Pride and Prejudice General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 1004 259 75 899 13 2250
Token 7577 7577 7577 7577 7577 7577
Ratio (%) 13.25 3.41 0.98 11.86 0.17 29.67
Emma General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 1027 236 91 583 2 1939
Token 6869 6869 6869 6869 6869 6869
Ratio (%) 14.95 3.43 1.32 8.48 0.02 28.2
Jane General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 1274 208 161 914 5 2562
Token 8567 8567 8567 8567 8567 8567
Ratio (%) 14.87 2.42 1.87 10.66 0.05 29.87
Adventures of Tom Sawyer General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 1537 237 142 739 8 2663
Token 9294 9294 9294 9294 9294 9294
Ratio (%) 16.53 2.55 1.52 7.95 0.08 28.63
Oliver Twist General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 1710 282 164 586 2 2744
Token 9342 9342 9342 9342 9342 9342
Ratio (%) 18.30 3.01 1.75 6.27 0.02 29.35
Little Women General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 460 163 83 257 3 966
Token 3799 3799 3799 3799 3799 3799
Ratio (%) 12.10 4.29 2.18 6.76 0.07 25.42
Wuthering Height General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 459 68 55 371 6 959
Token 3493 3493 3493 3493 3493 3493
Ratio(%) 13.14 1.94 1.57 10.62 0.17 27.44
Gullivers’ Travel General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 652 6 101 215 3 977
Token 3206 3206 3206 3206 3206 3206
Ratio 20.33 0.18 3.15 6.70 0.09 30.45
Call of the Wild General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 1166 240 112 479 0 1997
Token 7886 7886 7886 7886 7886 7886
Ratio 14.78 3.04 1.42 6.07 0 25.31
Treasure Island General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 445 95 48 92 7 687
Token 2254 2254 2254 2254 2254 2254
Ratio 19.74 4.21 2.12 4.08 0.31 30.46
Adventures of Huckleberry General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 287 10 40 218 9 564
Token 2147 2147 2147 2147 2147 2147
Ratio 13.36 0.46 1.86 10.15 0.41 26.26
Pride and Prejudice General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 434 204 25 211 7 881
Token 2537 2537 2537 2537 2537 2537
Ratio 17.10 8.04 0.98 8.31 0.27 34.72
Emma General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 560 226 50 311 1 1148
Token 3781 3781 3781 3781 3781 3781
Ratio 14.81 5.97 1.32 8.22 0.02 30.34
Jane Eyre General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 227 30 31 175 0 463
Token 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400 1400
Ratio 16.21 2.41 2.21 12.5 0 33.33
Adventures of Tome Sawyer General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 573 145 56 257 2 1033
Token 3303 3303 3303 3303 3303 3303
Ratio 17.34 4.38 1.69 7.78 0.06 31.25
Oliver Twist General Nouns (Na) People Names (Nb) Place Names (Nc) Pronouns
Cultural-Specific Nouns (Na) Total
Type 498 116 53 233 2 902
Token 3739 3739 3739 3739 3739 3739
Ratio 13.31 3.10 1.41 6.23 0.05 24.1
Novels Type/Token Ratio: Adult Version Type/Token Ratio: Children Version
Little Women 27.63 25.42
Wuthering Height 27.63 27.44
Gulliver’s Travel 30.52 30.45
Call of the Wild 26.55 25.31
Treasure Island 28.57 30.46
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 24.91 26.26
Pride and Prejudice 29.67 34.72
Emma 28.2 30.34
Jane 29.87 33.33
Adventures of Tom Sawyer 28.63 31.25
Oliver Twist 29.35 24.1
Average 28.32 29.00