MSI Notebook User Manual Norms

The left column lists original English texts and their Chinese MT outputs; the middle one, the controlled texts, and the right column, the Chinese MT outputs of the controlled texts.

7. For Google MT application, “in”/ “on”/ “at”-led place markers must be put at the beginning position of a sentence, but it is not necessary for TransWhiz application.

*Place markers must be put at the beginning position of a sentence.

ST and MT output

Controlled ST

Controlled MT output

However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.

(Google MT)

However, in the particular installation condition, we do not guarantee that disturbance will not occur.
(Google MT)
However, there is no guarantee that in the particular installation situation, interference will not occur.

(Google MT)

8. For Google MT application, passive voice is often acceptable, but for TransWhiz application, active voice is preferred.

ST and MT output

Controlled ST

Controlled MT output

All cautions and warnings on the equipment or user’s manual should be noted.

(Google MT)

You must note all instructions and warnings of the equipment or user’s manual.
(Google MT)
You must note equipment or user’s manual's cautions and warnings.

(Google MT)

If any of the following situations arises, get the equipment checked by a service personnel:

(Google MT)

If any of the following situations arises, ask a service personnel to check the equipment:
(Google MT)
If any of the following situations arises, ask a service personnel to check the equipment:

(Google MT)

We are proud to tell our users that this notebook is thoroughly tested and certified by our reputation for unsurpassed dependability and customer satisfaction.

(Google MT)

We are proud to tell users that, we have thoroughly tested the laptop, and we possess excellent reputation in consistent reliability and customer satisfaction.
(Google MT)
We are proud to tell users that, the laptop has been tested thoroughly and possess excellent reputation from consistent reliability and customer satisfaction.

(Google MT)

This User’s Manual provides instructions and illustrations on how to operate this notebook. It is recommended to read this manual carefully before using this notebook.

(Google MT)

The User’s Manual provides instructions and illustrations about how to operate the laptop. Before using the laptop, we recommend you to read the manual carefully.
(Google MT)
This User’s Manual provides instructions and illustrations about how to operate this laptop. Before using the laptop, we recommend you to read this manual carefully first.

(Google MT)

Note  that  the  AC  adapter  included  in the  package  is  approved  foryour  notebook;  using  other adapter model may damage either the notebook or other devices attached to it.

注意,被包含在包裹之中的 AC 轉接器為你的筆記本被贊同;使用其他的轉接器模型可能損害對它的筆記本或其他的裝置附件。
(Google MT)

Note that the AC adapter included in the package fits your laptop; using other adapter model may damage either the laptop or other devices that are connected to the laptop.
(Google MT)
Note that the package's AC adapter fits your notebook; using other adapter model may damage either the notebook, or damage other devices that attached to the laptop.

注意,被包含在包裹之中的 AC 轉接器適合你的膝上型電腦; 使用其他的轉接器模型可能損害膝上型電腦或其他的被連接到膝上型電腦的裝置。
(Google MT)
請注意該包的 AC適配器適合您的筆記本電腦,使用其他適配器的型號可能會損壞或筆記型電腦,或損壞其他設備連接到筆記本電腦。


Also, note that the limited warranty to the battery pack may also lose its efficacy when this battery pack is disassembled not by an authorized machinist.

同時, 注意,當這一個電池組一個經認可機械師所解開不的時候,對電池組的有限保證也可能失去它的效能。
(Google MT)

Also, when the unauthorized machinist disassembles this battery, please note that the limited warranty of the battery pack may also lose its efficacy.
(Google MT)
Also, when the unauthorized machinist disassembles this battery, please note, the battery pack's limited warranty may also lose its efficacy.

(Google MT)

If the battery power is not managed well, the saved data and customized settings may be lost.

(Google MT)

If you do not manage the battery power well, you may lose your data and settings.
*The MT output produced by Google MT is acceptable.

(Google MT)

9. For Google MT application, if a special sentence pattern such as “the more.., the more…” has been saved in the labeled corpus in the MT system, the MT output can be appropriate, but this does not happen to the TransWhiz system.

ST and MT output

Controlled ST

Controlled MT output




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