
國立高雄第一科技大學 94學年度第二學期
多變量分析 授課大綱
課程目標 培養學生熟悉多變量分析的基本用語與重要概念
Learning requires the active involvement of the student in the learning process. A variety of means will be used to promote active student centered learning.
1.Concept maps of course topics will require you to organize the material within your own framework, rather than receiving that framework from some higher power.
2. Research readings will require you to critically analyze information management research articles.
3. You will conduct a pilot study in which quantitative data will be collected and analyzed. A report on the study will be presented in class.
開課班級 行銷碩士班1年A班 授課教師 李婉怡
相關網址   網址:http://www2.nkfust.edu.tw/~wilee/Multivariate/multivariate.htm
教科書 1. Subhash Sharma, 1996, Applied Multivariate Techniques, John Wiley & Sons Inc.
參考書籍 1.Donald Morrison. (1990). Multivariate Statistical Methods (3rd ed.). The McGraw-Hill Companies. This book is a theoretical treatment of the topics. Good for those who want to know the mathematical properties underlying the statistical technique.
2.Richard Johnson and Dean Wichern. (1998). Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (5th ed.). Prentice Hall. This book is similar to the book by Morrison. It is a theoretical treatment of the techniques.
3.Joseph Hair, Rolph Anderson, Ronald Tatham and William Black. (1998). Multivariate Data Analysis (5th ed.). Prentice Hall. This is a rather practical book that gives step-by-step examples.
4.John Fox. (1997). Applied Regression Analysis, Linear Models, and Related Methods. Sage Publications, Incorporated. This book is a handy reference that can be used when you have made the choice of a model, and have some questions about details involved in implementing the model.
5.William Greene. (1999). Econometric Analysis (4th ed.). Prentice Hall. This is an excellent reference that explains the differences between various types of linear, survival and other forms of models. It describes the characteristics of data (independent and dependent variables) and the types of research questions or design that drive the choice of statistical models.
6.John Neter, William Wasserman, Michael Kutner. (1996). Applied Linear Regression Models (3rd ed.). McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing. This book is quite similar to fox also in that it is rather hands on and is more understandable for a non-math user of the techniques.
評分方式 Research Article Analysis 30%
Concept Maps 25%
Research Study 30%
Representation 15%
Learning requires the active involvement of the student in the learning process. A variety of means will be used to promote active student centered learning.
1. Concept maps of course topics will require you to organize the material within your own framework, rather than receiving that framework from some higher power.
2. Research readings will require you to critically analyze information management research articles.
3. You will conduct a pilot study in which quantitative data will be collected and analyzed. A report on the study will be presented in class.
預計進度 Unit 1. Concept Map Demo of Starting Research
Unit 2. Review of Matrix algebra & Graphical representation of data
Unit 3. Principal Components Analysis
Unit 4. Factor Analysis
Unit 5. Factor Analysis versus Principal Components Analysis
Unit 6. Cluster Analysis
Unit 7. Two-group Discriminant Analysis
Unit 8. Two-group Discriminant Analysis
Unit 9. Multiple-Group Discriminanat Analysis
Unit 10. Logistic Regression
Unit 11.Multivariate Analysis of Variance