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Modified Date: June, 6, 2010

  1. Human-Machine Interface
  2. Intellignent Transporation Systems
  3. Foreground Segmentation

Human-Machine Interface (HCI)
Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSs)
Sensing is one of the important topics in ITSs. Based on computer vision technologies, the focus of our research in this area  is either to perceive  the driving situations in the traffic environment or monitor the status inside the vehicle. Currently, our works  include  1) lane detectioin, 2) vehcile detection,  3) pedestrian detection, and 4) occupant classification.
Occupant Classification
Occupant classification is essential for developing a system that can decide the airbags to either turn off or deploy intelligently according to the occupant type. Consequently, the goal of this work is to classify the occupant into five categories: Empty, RFIS, FFCS, Child, and Adult.
Occupant Classification: Date: 2010.02.28, Version: v011 [pdf]
  1. ICGCS2010-Occupant Classification for Smart Airbag Using Bayesian Filtering [pdf]

Foreground Segmentation
The goal of foreground segmentation is to extract the regions of interest (ROI) by eliminating the background scene.