Topic: Perfume or cologne? 買香水還是古龍水?


A: This one is smaller bottle, but it costs more. Why is that?
1. larger   較大的  這一瓶比較小瓶,可是卻比較貴,為什麼呢?
2. smaller  較小的 B: This smaller one is perfume, and the larger one is cologne.
3. perfume  香水 這一小瓶的是香水,大瓶的是古龍水
4. cologne  古龍水 A: How can I tell the difference between perfume and cologne? 
5. to tell the difference between 
A and B 區別A與B的差別
6. let met put it this way…  讓我這樣說好了…  B: Let me put it this way, perfume is the purer one; the cologne is not so pure.



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