Topic: I am sweating like a pig. 我流汗流得像隻豬一樣


A: It’s so hot today! I am going to melt. 
1. melt   溶化 今天真熱,我都快溶化了
2. sweat   流汗 B: Yeah, I am sweating like a pig. 
3. turn on…    打開… 是啊,我流汗流得像隻豬一樣
4. air-conditioner   冷氣機/又稱AC A: Why not turn the air-conditioner on?
5. out of order   故障了  為什麼不開冷氣呢
6. dive into a pool   跳進游泳池裡 B: It’s just out of order. I wish I could dive into a pool. 



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