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Translation Exercise


1    hustle                        

2    bustle                       

3    arrogate                  

4    abrogate                  

5    favor                          

 6    flavor                     

 7    bout                     

 8    bunt                         

 9    steam                           

 10  stream                        


1    外強中乾                          

2    半斤八兩                          

3    出類拔萃                             

4    惱羞成怒                             

5    有條不紊                      

6    有眼不識泰山                  

7    同流合汙         

8    光明磊落                         

9    同仇敵愾                          

10  先天不足                          




1. High walls forbid all approach.

2. Obedience sob is obligatory on a soldier.

3. It was a stormy night, with mist and rain.

4. They were confident of victory.

5. The large cities absorb the wealth and fashion of the nation.


1.     人心不足蛇吞象。

2. 羅馬不是一天造成的

3. 自由就是在法律允許下的範圍下有權做任何事

4. 想像力比知識更重要

5. 一種米養百種人


               I have some suggestions for solving this problem. First of all, young people should be constantly reminded to care for their eyes and not to use them too long without a break. Eyes must be sufficiently rested before they can stay healthy and work properly. Secondly, since reading in poor lighting is the main cause of near-sightedness, there must always be good lighting where we read or write. Thirdly, we must keep what we’re reading at a proper distance from our eyes. Only when young people learn to do these things will they be able to stay free from near-sightedness.

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