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Translation Exercise




1    glaze

2    graze

3    gaze

4    gloss

5    gross

6    babble

7    bubble

8    corps

9    corpus

10  prickle


1    不拘小節                                            A    have goose momentum

2    不到黃河心不死                                  B    a lengthy speech (or article)

3    氣勢磅礡                                            C    no stickler for formality

4    匹夫之勇                                            D    save the situation

5    少壯不努力,老大徒傷悲                     E    self-introspection

6    毛骨悚然                                            F    refuse to give up until all hope is gone

7    長篇大論                                            G    every second counts

8    化險為夷                                            H    foolhardiness

9    及躬自省                                            I    of a great momentum

10  分秒必爭                                            J    sorrow in old age

三、 翻譯題


1. He came to my rescue.

2. Suddenly, there came a knock to the door.

3. Have you got any money with you?

4. I'm warning you for the last time.

5. The products produced by our factory are good in quality and low in price.


1.     我因為妳而丟掉差事。

2. 一個錯誤的投資使他的積蓄化為烏有。

3. 她洩漏了秘密,因此失去了驚奇的效果。

4. 妳的提議正在考慮中。

5. 小孩子很喜歡模仿別人。


    Near-sightedness is a serious problem among our country’s young people. Of the five senses, sight is the most precious. We use our eyes when we read or work, when we walk or drive and in almost everything else. Statistics show, however, that nine out of every ten young people of our country are near-sighted and many have to wear glasses. This is a problem that calls for serious attention

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