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Translation Exercise


1.  intercede
2.  decent
3.  descent
4.  descant
5.  specious
6.  spacious
7.  auspicious
8.  suspicious
9.  intercede
10. conspicuous
1.  傷風敗俗
2.  自告奮勇
3.  自食其力
4.  後生可畏
5.  眾矢志的
6.  殺一儆百
7.  名垂青史
8.  多愁善感
9.  各執一詞
10. 妄自菲薄



1. Little islands stud the bay.

2. They had often heard of elephants, but they had never seen one; for, being blind,how could they?

3. I have always wondered at the passion many people have of going abroad.

4. He is at once stern and tender.

5. The king has no occasion for you services.


1. 勝者為王。

2. 父母總是偏愛自已的小孩。

3. 醫生也會言行不一。

4. 智者千慮必有一失。

5. 馬有失蹄


1.     請說明一下如何加入網球俱樂部。

1.Please explain me how to join a tennis club.

2. 無論是什麼類型的電影,只要是好電影,通常能讓人回味無窮且印象深刻。

Whatever type it is, a good movie usually gives its viewers lasting memories and a deep impression.

3. 無論是做什麼運動都需要耐心,才能持之以恆。

No matter what exercise we do, we need to be patient and persevere.


Besides raising pets, I also liked to plant green plants.

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