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Translation Exercise


1. rayon
2. submarine
3. typewrite
4. cross
5. swindle
6. spindle
7. dwindle
8. rogue
9. vogue
10. fugue
1. 觸景生情
2. 削足適覆
3. 川流不息
4. 無可救藥
5. 犬馬之勞
6. 一文不名
7. 絞盡腦汁
8. 謀事在人,成事在天
9. 隔牆有耳
10. 千真萬確



1.These off-Broadway theaters produce much of the experimental drama that world be too risky to try out on Broadway.

2. John squatted down quickly behind the bush .He tried to crawl into it, but it was full of stickers.

3. Go to bed .If not, I well tell Father.

4. Poor people, when are suffering from acute hunger and severe cold, are not more unhappy than rich people: they are often much happier.

5. Some plants grow well in certain areas, but not in others, for they do not have the ability to adapt themselves to foreign climates.


1. 不知道他能否趕得上七點的火車到高雄。






Few expected to see so large a man: he is gigantic, a six feet four at least; few expected to see so old a person: his hair appears to have kept silvery record over fifty years; and then there was a notion in the minds of many that there must be something dashing and “fast” in his appearance, whereas his costume was perfectly plain, the expression his face grave and earnest, his address perfectly unaffected and such as we might expect to meet with in a well-bred man somewhat advanced in years.

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