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Translation Exercise
翻譯習題演練 ~~ 解答篇


1    hustle                        v.    趕忙著做;擁擠n.    奮發;推擠

2    bustle                        v.    匆忙;充滿n.    裙撐

3    arrogate                     v.    霸佔

4    abrogate                    v.    廢止;取消

5    favor                          n.    恩寵;喜歡

 6    flavor                        n.    滋味;調味料v.    加味於;使具有特殊的風味

 7    bout                         n.    一個回合;一次

 8    bunt                         v.    抵觸;觸擊n.    (小麥之)黑穗病

 9    steam                      n.    蒸氣;精力v.    蒸發;藩蒸氣力行駛

 10  stream                      n.    溪;趨勢v.    流;蜂擁而進


1    外強中乾                              strong in appearance but weak in reality

2    半斤八兩                              not much to choose between the two 

3    出類拔萃                              above average

4    惱羞成怒                              be shamed into anger

5    有條不紊                              in good shape

6    有眼不識泰山                       fail to recognize someone's eminence 

7    同流合汙                             associate (oneself) with an evil person (or an undesirable element)

8    光明磊落                             frank and forthright

9    同仇敵愾                             treat one as a common enemy

10  先天不足                             inherent shortage of~


※  英翻中—20%



2. 服從是軍人的義務。


3. 那天晚上有暴風,夾著雨和霧。


4. 他們有把握獲勝。





1.   A man whose heart is not contented is like a snake, which tries to swallow an elephant.


            2.2.   Rome was not built in a day.


        3.     Liberty is the right to do everything, which the laws allow.


    4. 4.   Imagination is more important than knowledge.


  5.   5.   It takes all sorts to make a world.




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