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Translation Exercise
翻譯習題演練 ~~ 解答篇


1    ascent                                 n. 上升;攀登

2    assent                                 v. 同意;讓步n.    同意

3    claw                                    n. 爪;鉗

4    flaw                                     n.裂縫;缺陷v.    有瑕疵

5    levity                                   n.輕率;不穩定

6    lenity                                   n.寬恕;寬厚

7    crinkle                                 v.使縐;使作沙沙聲n.    波紋;沙沙聲

8    wrinkle                                n.皺;缺點;(俗)妙計v.    使皺

9    twinkle                                v.閃爍;閃動

10  tinkle                                   v.使發叮噹聲n.    叮噹聲


1    水落石出                                the truth will prevail in the end

2    未雨綢繆                                take precautious

3    正襟危坐                                be all seriousness

4    左右逄源                                be able to achieve success one way or another

5    平易近人                                amiable

6    打腫臉充胖子                        an impudent attempt to represent the defeat as a victory

7    仗勢欺人                                abuse one's power and bully the people

8    目空一切                                full of conceit

9    生花妙筆                                a gifted pen

10  失之交臂                                miss a good chance


※  英翻中—20%


   【說明】"great difficulty"是極大的困難,可議成「重重困難」。

2. 動物們兩隻兩隻走進去。

     【說明】two by two"是兩個兩個,類似的還有"in twos and threes"


3. 雨也罷,晴也罷,我都要去。


4. 再做做看。


5. 為了解決這個問題,他們兩個星期以來日日夜夜不停工作

    【說明】"day and night”譯成「日日夜夜」兼具強調及生動兩種效果。


1.We must exercise our minds as well as our bodies.


2.What a man! He has a dull mind, a weak will, a cold heart and no soul!【說明】心靈、意志--mind ; will ; heart ; soul

3. Some say people need only think of themselves but I reject that idea

    as completely wrong.

    【說明】拒絕-- reject ; refuse ; decline ; deny

4. It's a very long journey to Europe by the southern route.

     【說明】旅行;郊遊--travel ; journey ;trip; tour ; excursion

5. Well I don’t have a fixed salary, but my patients pay me big fees for

     my services as a doctor.

     【說明】價格、薪資-- price ; charge ;cost ;expense ;fare ; fee ; wage ;salary ;pay



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