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Translation Exercise
翻譯習題演練 ~~ 解答篇


1    percept                            n.    [哲學]知覓或認識的對象

2    precept                            n.    箴言;(機械等之)操作方法

3    patent                              adj.    專利的;顯著的    n.    執照;專賣

4    potent                              adj.    強有力的;發生道德影響力的

5    potent                              n.    預兆;惡兆

6    arbor                                n.    喬木;涼亭;軸

7    ardor                                n.    熱情;灼熱

8    barber                              n.    理髮匠v.    理髮

9    harbor                              n.    港;避難所

10  accent                              n.    揚音;重音符


1    風聲鶴唳                                imaginary fears

2    風調雨順                                seasonable (of favorable) weather

3    文如其人                                the style is the man

4    文質彬彬                                gentle and elegant

5    為虎作悵                                act as a helper to an evil person

6    心力交瘁                                be mentally and physically exhausted

7    心有餘而力不足                      the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

8    引狼入室                               open the door to a dangerous foe

9    心直口快                               plainspoken and straightforward

10  以眼還眼,以牙還牙              eye of eye, tooth for tooth

三、    翻譯題


1. 母鳥嚇小鳥說,如果他們不乖,毛蟲就會來抓他們。


2. 如果還需要錢,你就得到銀行領出來,家裡幾乎沒有錢

  【說明】本句中的some=some moneyany=any money,加上前面有"any more money",若三個money全部譯出則嫌多餘,若後面兩個不譯則不夠清楚,因此保留中間的some,而將前後的money譯出。

3. 字母I代表「我」,O代表「欠」,U代表「你」。

  【說明】I.O.U.(I owe you)即「借據」,本句在O與oweU與you之間 各省略了一個represents,但中文沒有這樣子的省略語法,故須將省略的動詞補回去。

4. 科學的基本目標就是尋求真理、尋求新的真理。

  【說明】原句出規了兩個truth,有強調的意味。中譯時不妨重複動詞「尋求」, 把強調的意思表現出來。

5. 如果他們要你某某天去,不方便的話就不要答應。

  【說明】"such and such"表不確定,相當於中文的「某某」


1. His scandal got wind.

  【說明】get wind   眾所皆知

2. Worship carries her off her feet.

  【說明】carry one off one's feet  使人狂熱

3. Your room is all in a tumble, and it let me go whistle.

  【說明】let one go whistle  令人失望

4. He keeps his memory green in doing things.

  【說明】Keep one’s memory green 不糊塗

5. She bowed me to the earth.

   【說明】Bow a person to the earth.  使人羞愧得無地自容

四、  文章翻譯—20%

    Gambling is an extremely harmful habit, for it may cost the gambler not only his fortune, but also his life. People are attracted to gambling because of the money that they may win so easily. Usually they begin with small stakes. If they win, they’d want to win more; and if they lose, they’d want to recover their losses. As they increase their stakes, they sink deeper and deeper into the mire. When they’ve lost everything, they might be forced to steal or rob, or take their own lives. Now and then they might win, but nobody has ever become rich by gambling.

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