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Translation Exercise



1    abroad (n.)(adv.)海外

2    aboard (adv.)(prep.)上船、上飛機

3    champagne (n.)香檳

4    renal (a.)腎臟的

5    campaign (v.)(n.) 運動

6    snuffle (v.)(n.)鼻塞

7    sniffle (v.)(n.)吸鼻涕

8    shuffle (v.)(n.) 拖著腳走

9    dial (v.)(n.)撥號

10   duel (v.)(n.)決鬥

1    門庭若市-G      A :Make a fuss about or over a trifling matter

2    小巫見大巫-E    B :Doing things carelessly

3    小題大作-A      C :Not inexcusable

4    積非成是-J       D:Be successful in every way

5    馬馬虎虎-B      E :Pale beside a better one

6    井底之蛙-I       F :Great variety

7    無可厚非-C      G: A much visited house

8    無往不利-D      H: An unreasonable person

9    五光十色-F      I : A man with a very limited view

10  不可理喻-H       J: Accept what is wrong as right as it grows accustomed

三、翻譯題  ※英翻中—20%

1.The day when he was born remains unknown.

2.As it is late, you had better go home.

3.Spare the rod and spoil the child

4.Where there is a will, there is a way.

5.I do not believe that any peacock envies another peacock's tail, because every peacock is persuaded that his own tail is the finest in the world.


1. 在健行的時候,如果我們把距離目的地的遠近置之度外,只想到自己與下一個里程之距離,一定會覺得全程比實際的距離為短
If we don’t care how far it is from the destination during the hiking and only think of the distance between ourselves and the next destination, we will definitely feel that the distance is shorter than the actual one.

2. 刑事法庭的侵犯人身案件,足有半數是小事引起的
Among the impingement cases in criminal court, half of them are caused by trivial matters.

3. 他怒打了那小孩,但馬上就對自己所為感到羞愧。
He hit that kid but he felt ashamed about what he did right away.

4. 吳先生的身體狀況越來越差。
Mr. Wu’s health is getting worse and worse.

5. 每個人都恭喜她找到這麼一個好工作。
Everyone congratulates her on finding such a good job.


His enunciation is perfect. Every word he uttered might have been heard in the remotest quarters of the room, yet he scarcely lifted his voice above colloquial tone. The most striking feature in his whole manner was the utter absence of affectation of any kind. He did not permit himself to appear conscious that he was an object of peculiar interest in the audience, neither was he guilty of the greater error nor appearing to care whether they were interested or not.

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