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Translation Exercise

Translation Exercise




1.steak   (n.)牛排            

2.streak  (n.)(v.)閃電         

3.scrimp  (v.)吝嗇             

4.shrimp   (n.)(v.)             

5.excerpt   (n.)(v.)摘錄            

6.except     (n.)(v.)除了之外              

7. acid         (n.)(a.)

8.acrid         (a.)刻薄的        

9.avoid         (v.)避免     

10.avid         (a.)渴望的             


1    對牛彈琴      Play the lute to a cow  

2    晴天霹靂      A thunderbolt from a clear sky         

3    水底撈月       Strive for the impossible               

4    害群之馬      A rotten apple in the barrel        

5    貓哭耗子假慈悲        Shed crocodile tears       

6    說曹操,曹操到          Talk of the devil and he will appear.       

7    姜太公釣魚,願者上勾    Jiang Taigong fishing, those who are willing to hook   
8    東施效顰                   Blind imitation with the ludicrous effect               

9    司馬召之心,路人皆知      You can tell one’s ill intent from one’s act   

10  木已成舟        What is done cannot be undone.                           




1. I like the climate of San Francisco better than that of any other city where I have lived. It never snows, and even in July and August it rarely gets hot.

2. If you work hard, you can finish it in a week.

3. Until you can think clearly or express yourself properly, you'll never fully grow up - even though you live to be a hundred.

4. It is part of the general theory of democracy that all human beings are equal in the sense that they all have some basic rights and that all should be treated alike.

5. I spent hours with them at their favorite hangouta lot of beers, a lot of stories


1. 我不覺得用英語與外國人交談有什麼困難。
There’s nothing difficult to talk to foreigners in English.

2. 他五、六天就能痊癒。
He’ll be well in 5 or 6 days.

3. 我不想換部大一點的車。
I don’t want to have a change for a bigger car.

4. 醜陋的毛蟲也能化為美麗的蝴蝶。
Even ugly worms can become beautiful butterflies.

 5. 天下有一人知己,可以不恨。
If a person has one best friend in the world, he’ll have nothing to hate. 


The illness which has tortured me for a long time now is fully recovered. My heart is full of happiness. Our marriage is as happy as before. I would never forget my husband’s great loyalty during the terribly difficult days. My book is published now. I continue to write books, do chores and do some gardening too. After this disaster, I feel my life is more intriguing than before. This nightmare of mental disorder makes me cherish every moment I have now.

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