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Translation Exercise
翻譯習題演練 ~~ 解答篇


1    intercede         v.代為懇求的;從中調停

2    decent            adj.正當的;正經的

3    descent          n.降下;傾斜

4    descant          v.詳論;合唱 n.批註;(音樂)高音部

5    specious         adj.似是而非的;華而不實的

6    spacious         adj.廣大的;令人心曠神怡的

7    auspicious       adj.幸運的;吉兆的

8    suspicious       adj.懷疑的;可疑的

9    intercede          v. 代為懇求的;從中調停

10   conspicuous    adj.顯著的;引人注目的


1 傷風敗俗 offend public decency

2 自告奮勇 volunteer for same special duty

3 自食其力 self-supporting

4 後生可畏 the younger generation will surpass the older

5 眾矢之的 under attack on all sides

6 殺一敬百 punish one as an example to others

7 名垂青史 go down in history

8 多愁善感 sentimental

9 各執一詞 each sticks to his own version

10 妄自菲薄 underestimate one's own capabilities  

   三 .翻譯題

  ※  英翻中—20%

11. 灣內有星羅棋布的小島


  2. 他們對大象耳聞已久,卻從未看過; 因為,眼睛瞎了,怎麼看呢? 


   3. 我在想,為什麼許多人對出國如此熱衷?


  4. 他兼具嚴肅與溫柔兩種特性。





1. It is a bad action that success cannot justify.


2. It is a wise father that knows his own child.


3. It is a wise physician that follows his own directions.


4.It is a wise man that never makes mistakes.


5. It is a good horse that never stumbles.


四、  改錯—20%


A. Please explain me how to join a tennis club. (誤)

B.  Please explain to me how to join a tennis club.《正》


     *向某人解釋某事,我們可以說explain some thing to some-

     body,不能說explain somebody something


 A. Whatever type it is, a good movie usually gives its viewers lasting memories and a deep impression.(誤)

 B. Whatever genre it is, a good movie usually provides lasting memories  and leaves a deep imp    ressewers. 《正》*解析:


(2)留下深刻印象的說法是leave an impression on someone而不是give an impression.


A. No matter what exercise we do, we need to be patient and persevere. (誤)

B.  When doing any exercise, one needs to have patience and perseverance. 《正》

   *解析:因為1和2句只是一般性敘述,最好不要用特定的主詞,例如we,可以用one 來代替


  A. Besides raising pets, I also liked to plant green plants. (誤)

  B. Besides keeping pets, I also like to grow plants. 《正》




          trees,但是,A句中plant green plants犯了重複累贅的毛病。

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