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(Technical Texts)

User Manual for Air Cleaner

Please read all instructions before using this product. Save these instructions for easy reference. When using electrical appliances, basic precautions should always be followed to reduce breakage, risk of fire, electric shock and injury to persons. Read all instructions before operating the air cleaner.

1.         Place air cleaner where it is not easily knocked over by persons in the household.

2.         Always unplug when not in use.

3.         Do not use any product with a damaged cord or plug of if product malfunctions, is dropped or damaged in any manner. Keep the cord away from heated surfaces.

4.         Do not use air cleaner outdoors.

5.         Never use air cleaner unless it is fully assembled.

6.         Do not run power cord under carpets, and do not cover with throw rugs. Arrange cord such that it will not be tripped over.

7.         Do not use air cleaner where combustible gases or vapors are present.

8.         Do not expose the air cleaner to rain, or use near water, in a bathroom, laundry area or other damp location.

9.         To disconnect the air cleaner to rain, or use near water, in a bathroom, laundry area or other damp location.

10.    The air cleaner must be used in its upright position.

11.    Do not allow foreign objects to enter ventilation or exhaust opening as this may cause electric shock or damage to the air cleaner. Do not block air outlets or intakes.

12.    Locate air cleaner near power outlet and avoid using an extension cord.

13.    The air cleaner has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). To reduce risk of shock, this plug is intended to fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified electrician. Do not attempt to defeat this safety feature.

14.    A loose fit between the plug and the AC outlet (receptacle) may cause overheating and a distortion of the plug. Contact a qualified electrician to replace loose or worn receptacles.

15.    Do not sit, stand or place heavy objects on the air cleaner.

16.    Disconnect power supply before servicing.

WARNING: To reduce risk of fire or electric shock, do not use this product with any solid-state speed control device.





1.         將空氣清潔器放置於家人較不易敲到的地方。

2.          不再使用時,將插頭拔起

3.          電線、插頭或產品已破損時請勿使用。勿將電線放置在受熱面上

4.         請勿在室外使用空氣清潔器。

5.         除非空氣清潔器完全安裝好,否則請勿使用。

6.         請勿將電線放置於小張地毯下或接近熱源並且整理好電線,才不會糾纏在一起。

7.         在易燃的氣體或蒸氣處,請勿使用空氣清潔器。

8.         請勿將空氣清潔器靠近潮濕或易被水潑濕的地方來使用,如:浴室廚房水槽邊及其他潮濕的地方。

9.         如將空氣清潔器靠近潮濕或易被水潑濕的地方時,如:浴室、廚房、或水槽邊及其他潮濕的地方時,需將電線拔起。

10.     空氣清潔器需直立使用。

11.     勿讓外物進入通風口或排氣口,才不會造成電擊或傷害到空氣清潔器。也勿阻擋通風口或排氣孔。

12.   為了避免使用延長線,需將空氣清潔器靠近插座來使用。

13.   空氣清潔器有一端極化的插頭(這一端插頭比另一端還要寬)。為了避免被電到,此插頭只能插於極化的插座而已。插座與插頭若無法完全密合時,將插頭反過來插。如果還無法緊密時,請洽詢合格的電器技師。勿忽略此安全規則。

14.   交流電源插座與插頭若有間隙,有可能會導致過熱及插頭變形。此時,請洽詢合格的電器技師來換掉此鬆脫或磨損的插頭。

15.   請勿坐、站或放置重的物體在空氣清潔器上。

16.   在維修空氣清潔器前,需將電源線拔除。

17.   警告:為了降低火災及電擊的危險,勿將空氣清潔器與任何的電晶體速度控制裝置一起使用。



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