Nero User Manual Norms

II. The Syntactic Level

The left column lists original English texts and their Chinese MT outputs; the middle one, the controlled texts, and the right column, the Chinese MT outputs of the controlled texts.

1. Split a long sentence into two shorter sentences.

ST and MT output

Controlled ST

Controlled MT output

One medium in particular (CD or DVD) offers a safe and cost-effective backup solution, and Nero BackItUp makes burning backup CDs child's play.

一種特別是媒體(CD 或數位影像光碟)提出安全和有成本效益的預備解決方案,而且尼羅 BackItUp 使燃燒的預備 CD 變得輕而易舉。
(Google MT)
一架中型特別( CD或DVD )提供安全和符合成本效益的備份解決方案,和Nero BackItUp使燃燒備份光盤孩子們的遊戲。

The medium (especially CD or DVD) provides secure and cost-effective duplicating solutions. (Sentence 1)
Nero BackItUp makes duplicating CDs much easier.
(Sentence 2)
(Google MT)
The medium (especially CD or DVD) provides safe and cost-effective backup solutions. (Sentence 1)
Nero BackItUp makes backup CDs much easier.
(Sentence 2)

媒體 (尤其 CD 或數位影像光碟)提供安心、有成本效益的複製解決方案。(Sentence 1)
尼羅 BackItUp 使複製 CD 非常容易的。(Sentence 2)
(Google MT)
(Sentence 1)
尼祿 BackItUp使得備份光盤容易得多。(Sentence 2)

If you do choose a filter, only those files, which match the filter criterion, for example all Word or Office documents, will be backed up.

(Google MT)

If you do choose a filter, those files which match the filter criterion will be duplicated. (Sentence 1)
For example, you can choose to duplicate all [Microsoft Word] or [Microsoft Office] documents. (Sentence 2)
(Google MT)
If you do choose a filter, only those files which match the filter criterion would be backed up. (Sentence 1)
For example, you can choose to back up all Microsoft Word or Microsoft Office documents.
(Sentence 2)

(Sentence 1)
舉例來說,你能選擇複製全部〔微軟字〕或〔微軟辦公室〕文件。(Sentence 2)
(Google MT)
如果你選擇一個過濾器,只有這些文件是符合篩選標準將被備份。(Sentence 1)
例如,您可以選擇備份所有的Microsoft Word或Microsoft Office文檔。(Sentence 2)

The backup process starts, and depending on the option you have chosen, the files are either first compressed and then written to the medium, or written to the medium straightaway.

(Google MT)

The duplicating process starts. (Sentence 1)
Depending on your choices, the files can be compressed and then written to the medium, or they can be immediately written to the medium. (Sentence 2)
(Google MT)
The backup process starts.
(Sentence 1)
Depending on your choices, the files can be compressed and then written to the media, or they can be immediately written to the media. (Sentence 2)

(Sentence 1)
取決於你的選擇,檔案能被壓縮然後寫到媒體,或他們能立刻被寫到媒體。(Sentence 2)
(Google MT)
(Sentence 1)
根據您的選擇,該文件可以被壓縮,然後寫入到媒體,也可以立即寫入媒體。(Sentence 2)

2. Avoid the use of prepositional phrases and change them into subordinate clauses. For the application of Google MT, subordinate clauses should be put before main clauses, but TransWhiz is not subject to this constraint.

ST and MT output

Controlled ST

Controlled MT output




3. Use the complete sentence (consisting of the subject, verb and others) to replace the imperative sentence.

ST and MT output

Controlled ST

Controlled MT output




4. Avoid the use of the elliptical expression. e.g. “…., not the front seat”.

ST and MT output

Controlled ST

Controlled MT output




5. For the application of Google MT, the “who”-led clause must be changed into an independent clause, but the TransWhiz system accepts this clausal construction.

ST and MT output

Controlled ST

Controlled MT output




6. Replace the “with”-led prepositional phrase with a complete clause.

ST and MT output

Controlled ST

Controlled MT output

With Nero BackItUp you can back up your data, restore the backed up data and set up jobs to run automatically.

藉由尼羅 BackItUp,你能備存你的資料,修復那備存資料而且建立工作自動地跑。
(Google MT)

You can use Nero BackItUp to back up the information, restore the backed up information and to set up tasks that operate automatically.
(Google MT)
You can use Nero BackItUp to back up the information, restore the backed up information and to set up tasks that run automatically.

你能使用尼羅 BackItUp 備存資料,修復那備存資料和建立自動地操作的工作。
(Google MT)
您可以使用Nero BackItUp備份資料,還原備份的資料,並建立自動運行任務。

You can burn CDs both with a CD recorder and a DVD recorder.

你能燃燒 CD 兩者都和一個 CD 錄音機和一個數位影像光碟錄音機。 
(Google MT)

You can use CD devices and DVD devices to create CDs.
(Google MT)
You can use a CD burner or a DVD burner to burn CDs.

你能使用 CD 裝置和數位影像光碟裝置創造 CD。(Google MT)
您可以使用CD刻錄機或DVD刻錄機刻錄 CD。
